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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析二十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
bill of materials (n.) list of all raw materials and parts that go into an end product材料清单0 k* G- a7 O( y, K7 t/ N3 _( Y7 y4 q
billion [5biljEn ] (n.) US:one thousand million(美)十亿; GB: one million million(英)万亿# {5 Y4 O$ W) g9 l- V
black [ blAk ] (adj.) not allowed by law黑市的,非法交易的, o* ?/ b0 ]: a/ f2 d# H
black market (n.) a situation of illegal trading in goods, currencies or services黑市 - B$ s3 e8 U4 u& h$ Q) `
[例]  He bought some pirate CDs on the black market.0 u7 n5 C% G6 Q
in the black in credit(银行存款)有赢余
7 D( t4 u$ a" X$ l' D  z black list list of goods, companies, people who are prohibited from trading黑名单
9 Y2 p! E" }1 c+ i4 E* o. O[例]  The customer is in the system black list so we can not provide trading service for him.8 n6 S( D, S9 j& n# O) n
blue chips (n.) shares with the highest status as investments, usually shares of well-established companies蓝筹股,热门的股票: E2 S/ f- o' e; T
[例]  Wise investors will show great interest in blue chips.
& F% E8 e; d) K) }' ~# v3 | blue-collar (adj.) relating to manual work体力劳动者
5 V8 o7 c# P# W) d4 q[例]  Your local newspaper is usually the best source of blue-collar jobs.
$ y, J- ^+ `8 d" t5 { board meeting (n) a gathering of the directors of a company to discuss important company business董事会
+ y2 D8 E$ T2 r9 [8 _) _0 d' n$ h% H: ][例] He will chair the board meeting tomorrow on the takeover issues.
# q( D$ A# p( p0 S# u/ | board of directors (n.) group of people chosen by the shareholders to develop company policy董事会议2 E5 W( X5 m/ }
[例] This proposal has been approved by the board of directors.+ _$ [* s  e  @
bond [ bCnd ] (n.) contract document promising to repay money borrowed by a company or government债券8 F" S1 D' d8 q3 h& h' @6 ~, D) Y
[例]  Most bonds are unsecured and do not grant shares in an organization.

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