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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
boost (v) to increase the strength or value of something, to help and encourage something 推动
, e% w! m4 S# b3 N3 z0 \[例]  Lower interest rates will greatly boost the economy.
! A7 b4 w) {, }; Y; y bottleneck [ 5bCtl7nek ] (n.) a restriction in the normal work flow瓶颈,障碍
( W, Y: S# l  F9 x" s1 ^& y[例]  We’ve got a bottleneck in our supply operations.
3 [- K1 |! {# p  q7 Q  v7 t* r bottom [5bRtEm]1.(adj.) lowest最底处的) X' R0 {! e" K# H& y- E
[例]  rock-bottom price/ f% D; N0 y, D9 Y" h. D
2. (v.) bottom out, reach the lowest point 跌至底点
( ~1 }: x9 Q, w+ `8 F bounce [ bauns ] (v.) refuse to pay a cheque and return it to the bearer because there is not enough money in the payer’s account支票被银行退票! M* ?: f+ m( `
[例]  Two of my cheques were bounced last week.
& n% P2 u, X7 ^8 m6 v. D8 ^1 T brainstorm [ 5brein7stC:m ] (n. and v.) an approach to problem-solving in which a group of people meet to provide wide-ranging ideas on an issue集体讨论7 {- K' y( j/ C2 N
[例] The members of the board gave a brainstorm during the meeting held yesterday.
$ ?' \2 K" Q0 N, m' W' _0 H" V- g) f branch [ brB:ntF ]1.(n.) local office of a large business分公司
2 L- T, C/ O. p[例]  We have branches throughout the country.0 B- S' M# ]9 H1 _6 ]: b
2.(v.) To enlarge the scope of one's interests, business, or activities扩展% ?( H* \$ o0 r2 n* K/ k
[例]  The partners are looking into branching out into Europe.

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