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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
brand [ brAnd ] (n.) product which can be recognized by a name品牌# j6 L) a- _" r" @0 z' ^1 M
[例]  The brand establishment needs a very long time and will bring long- term benefits.) Y6 T* X3 n  n. `. p8 F
branding (n.) the process of giving brand names to products品牌命名
) l6 W. i$ d3 b* j7 D8 _7 K: \[例]  How is the branding of that new product going on? 5 a7 \. q) p; i/ L! ?
brand leader brand with the biggest market share品牌领导者
/ n" g  W  W3 r, _" M2 v[例]  IBM is the brand leader in the field of portable computer.8 j0 r$ U, g  D" l8 j8 f2 s
brand loyalty (n.) customer desire to continue buying the same brand品牌忠诚度
5 P# H3 d( _! [0 `) J( s, j: y5 F[例]  They managed to set up the brand loyalty of their consumers.
% g  k5 D' |4 o3 B" Z4 A break even (v.) balance costs and revenue, not make a profit or a loss收支平衡4 h5 y! v* I' S7 C. C
[例]  We just broke even last year.8 B" ]& g5 E, j2 l
breakeven point  point at which revenue equals costs 收支平衡点( C$ B5 |3 Y9 V- A% L
breakthrough [ 5breik5Wru: ] (n.) an act of overcoming or penetrating an obstacle or restriction突破. B8 r2 G8 ?2 I3 s0 j7 E! ?
[例]  It is up to both of us to try our best to make a breakthrough in the present negotiations.
1 D4 ^5 E6 ~, a) q" ~ brief [ bri:f ] (v.) to give concise preparatory instructions, information, or advice to简要介绍
2 R$ ~7 |/ _& T% u5 N% T  O9 b  j- P[例]  The CEO briefed his senior managers on the project that is supposed to be the turning point for the fate of the firm.
$ i. \- |" a8 k[同义词]  abstract, synopsis, outline

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