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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
buyout (n.)the purchase of a company or business购买下( m3 q" q1 Q6 g; y; T$ U
[例]  If the workers do approve the buyout, their company will become the nation's largest employee-owned enterprise.
* @, ~5 u3 S6 C, L! S/ ^7 c* c buy up  (v)to buy all or nearly all of what is available of something 尽可能买断, I3 p# y3 E2 H
[例] In order to benchmark their products, they bought up all lines of their rivals.
6 i+ }- f! Y) d9 r6 K% O1 O buyer’s market (n) a situation where certain products are in plentiful supply, resulting in low price and good credit term for buyers 买方市场
0 r1 _. }: u$ M) |( ][例] Too many entrants into this market created a buyer’s market in TVs. 4 g  q2 r! M7 X3 Z' R
[反义词] seller’s marker
- u5 j6 U1 o2 w  x0 S by-product [5baIprRdQkt] (n.) substance produced during the making of sth else 副产品+ _) j  C) p9 _" b/ W
[例]  Ammonia, coal tar and coke are all by-products obtained in the manufacture of the coal gas." B2 m7 J: ]! q  w4 g4 f
[同义词]  spin-off; z3 B  K6 {! Y
byte (n) a unit of computer information consisting of a number of bits or binary digits 字节% Y1 o: C# A7 ]6 U
[例] The speed of download is about 1 m bytes per second.
# Z' Q: n( Y( v+ n3 x9 C3 MCAD(=Computer Aided Design) (n.) design and drafting performed interactively on a computer计算机辅助设计
+ E. E4 p1 h: w; G[例]  Each student majoring in architecture should learn CAD.
2 ^2 a1 U8 w  f. R8 Q call [ kC:l ]1. (n.) visit, telephone call访问,电话4 ^* F, u/ R, K$ l
[例]  The salesman plans to make seven calls.
& {+ ?3 g3 }5 h  j  W2. (v.) telephone打电话* \! Q( n! E% _. s  S: G' p
call on (v.) visit拜访   d6 a3 x3 b2 i3 e' Q- E
[例]  He will call on our major customers next week.' f) w# C, B+ V. F
campaign [ kAm5pein ] (n.) plan of action(商业)活动
* `% w/ V$ m( z[例]  advertising campaign

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