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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析三十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
captive market (n) a situation where buyer’s have no choice of goods or have to deal with only one seller 垄断市场
8 n3 s# K! W+ ^% I9 F5 F[例] This firm is the only manufacture of CD players in the country and gains a lot from such captive market.+ V6 A; B) e' A, F( f
[同义词] monopoly1 h/ H3 q- E6 \# K  j
capture[ 5kAptFE ] (v.) take占有,夺取- z# p* \, J: s) {
[例]  We captured 20% of the market.$ Y% F* ?: M+ s
career[ kE5riE ] (n.) job or profession for which one is trained and which one intends to do throughout one’s life事业生涯 # }7 O. g2 m+ d8 Y# a9 E) y; w
[例]  People have to decide how important work and career are to be in their life.
' Q; V4 m! V- g2 a* C% C- q7 d* y# d carrier (n) a person or business that transports goods for commercial purposes 承运人
: d  P) T) K8 v2 o% z+ k[例] Please arrange the carrier for delivering this batch of goods., E, Q% Q" r( d
[同义词] haulier8 N0 `% `% j% n/ Z! Y9 R' W5 a
carry on (v.) continue坚持- e% Q3 X9 [+ L( p
[例]  Your team can carry on that project from now on.6 G, v8 [* x" O# N7 U' g
case study (n.) a training technique based on solving a case or problem facing an organization案例分析/ Q& S, l1 ?& j1 u  E* i
[例]  In MBA study, we should learn how to make good case study.3 y5 s: F# X! ]+ O. Z% l% {0 a
cash [ kAF ] 1. (n.) money in notes and coins现金0 P& F3 U9 B2 g+ h- v7 p
[例]  Carrying cash is very dangerous and inconvenient for foreign travelers.* q' x7 c+ o/ v% ~. O3 z1 N; U
[同义词]  money, currency- u% B5 k1 p" S- H: B( f
2. (v.) exchange a cheque for cash兑现(支票)- S* r3 v( A, B. |  |1 g+ W
cash crop (n) the produce grown by farmers who intend to sell it rather than use it themselves 经济作物6 }7 Z6 P0 R* f9 O
[例] Bananas are the pillar cash crop for this tropic nation.

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