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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
competitor [ kEm5petitE ] (n.) person/company that competes竞争者+ q0 T/ b, `  M+ L3 \8 Q
[例]  Dozens of competitors are applying for the position of sales manager.
& M9 D0 i. L1 @: e8 t; h[同义词]  rival, opponent, adversary" z- q1 y! Q5 d, M
competitive[ kEm5petitiv ] (adj.) of a product which competes well有竞争力的: H  `1 w& ^: w1 {% r5 s
[例]  It’s important to keep a competitive edge.  z) K( E; R) [
[同义词]  rival, competing, vying, combative$ r+ p& ^+ Q6 t, ?: T, u0 u7 {
competitive edge (n.) advantage竞争优势& Q( Y4 `6 O) C+ I+ |
[例] We have competitive edge in this respect.( ~* P4 q8 f7 h3 @/ p
competitiveness (n.) process of being competitive 竞争力
. o7 r- p) f1 |, f: C9 o4 G4 i( l competence [5kRmpEtEns] (n.) ability to do a job well, skill or efficiency能力,胜任
" L0 T+ x. c* I; b7 x- n1 i[例]  The promotion of an employee should be judged chiefly by his competence.3 P! z+ i- c8 C5 `+ t/ ~  p1 ~
[同义词]  ability, capability
+ \2 d2 V# r0 @) |, ~8 G, | component [ kEm5pEunEnt ]1. (n.) piece of machinery机器部件 / B. @9 H, O" k6 U& V6 c9 A
2. (n.) part that goes into the final product产品零件
5 G8 d4 Z8 H, s. z" G1 Q) f2 n[例] This new type of machine contains many components.
9 l' i" N% O4 u" w4 R# j: _* B[同义词]  part,replacement
. @& X  G7 X8 u complimentary [ 7kCmpli5ment(E)ri ] (adj.) given free to repay a favor or as an act of courtesy 免费赠送的
1 t4 r4 t2 a- k! q[例]  complimentary ticket0 O/ w7 n2 k* b* Q5 _) z! R) t8 }
concentrated marketing (n.) marketing directed at one segment of the market密集性市场策略0 t- |* a; q8 g0 D
condition [ kEn5diFEn ] (n.) 1. general state 状态2. term of a contract 条款
1 c/ Z2 k0 C3 L7 w& p conditions (n. pl) situation状况,环境
# _- K) p3 k3 @8 l( L[例]  It will probably be appropriate to start an interview with a neutral chat by asking non-controversial questions – perhaps about the weather or the traffic conditions.

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