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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
conditions of employment (n.) terms of employment雇佣条款
: w: j4 N+ Z; J" @[例]  Do all the workers make clear of conditions of employment?
" E* p* i  _; O configuration [ kEn7fi^ju5reiFEn ] (n.) organization and layout of equipment生产设备的布置$ j) B( R0 @0 A* @
[例]  Better configuration can increase operational efficiency.- N5 h/ m8 i4 C. a* K
conflict [ 5kCnflikt ] (n.) disagreement争执
' _! H) E# E6 m4 I8 m[例]  Conflict can clear the air by letting people get their bad feelings ‘off their chest’.
  N% i) z, `( ^  Z7 P7 g/ ~" g[同义词]  clash, collision, disagreement
; X+ t$ v$ G$ M1 _ conglomerate [ kCn5^lCmErit ] (n.) group of companies jointly owned producing different products企业集团' Q$ f4 {6 t2 N
[例]  One of the main advantages of a conglomerate is that the risk is spread over a number of companies operating in different markets.
; s+ \( T4 |/ ? consensus [ kEn5sensEs ] (n.) agreement一致同意* L+ x  A! g' n+ q7 _' t/ @$ K
[例]  They came into consensus in the end.

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