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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析四十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
consumer goods (n.) goods bought by consumers as opposed to industry生活消费品& ?; Q  O) ^/ S# O: X
[例] It is consumers, not industry, who buy consumer goods.
- v- j2 }% [2 h) z container (n) a very large wooden or metal box into which a number of goods may be packed before being transported by road , rail or ship 集装箱
0 f+ d1 S+ T# C) I  ^$ t& l0 w[例]Near the dock you can see many container trucks being driven into and out of the port.
8 q" b3 {% \  f+ L, M0 [ contingency [ kEn5tindVEnsi ] (n.) possible emergency which, if it happens, will need immediate action突发事件,意外事故! h/ Y; H3 }) J9 E& s8 Q1 _
[例] It is a real contingency to him that the marketing price fluctuates violently.
# E4 N" w+ N+ J: N9 [% v, h  X continuous process (n.) a production system in which materials move continuously through the process连续生产, 连续处理
2 R1 }$ C6 ]2 `4 m[例] Tomorrow he will show us the continuous process of that production.% u" ?: }4 f: B/ {' {+ j" g% s
contract [ 5kCntrAkt ] (n.) legal agreement between two parties合同
, F. J5 z- @. }" ^' H+ z: L* c) F[例]  He signed a 2 years’ contract with the company employing him. ! n( K3 O6 t5 T7 N6 x
[同义词]  agreement, pact, compact- x* a$ z7 D+ _. f& ?. ^: o
contractor [ kEn5trAktE ] (n.) a person or party who provides goods or services under a legal agreement订约人; d- G8 e0 L* ^9 P- k
[例]  Who are contractors of the two parties respectively?

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