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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
crisis [ 5kraisis ] (n.) dangerous/difficult/serious situation危机# O5 r6 J  d0 ?0 F
[例]  a banking crisis7 Q) N8 l4 ^6 H* P
[同义词]  emergency, exigency, dilemma( B( f/ ?/ p" q+ w& @
criterion [ krai5tiEriEn ] (n.) a standard, rule, or test on which a judgment or decision can be based标准; h( Q) E$ M# L
[例]  Quality is our main criterion.
" P- N4 }! A( t6 s" T" v! d[同义词]  standard1 c! K% J* I8 E1 o1 J3 \
critical path analysis (n.) network planning technique for scheduling projects关键途径分析  B& Q% s2 v/ j3 @3 b9 ^' w& c
[例] He asked his secretary to prepare a critical path analysis.4 Q( q0 [# K" N- T2 _8 E
currency [ 5kQrEnsi ] (n.) money which is used in a particular country通货( C2 p9 {3 l$ i- n' L3 X9 K" _
[例]  There are still some existing Chinese  regulations governing foreign currency. " o/ o4 ?) E6 n# f1 C0 A/ ], v
[同义词]  money, cash, legal tender$ @% _5 V0 k2 T
hard currency currency of a country with a stable economy 硬通货9 e3 j/ }+ ^5 L& N; n& k- n
current [ 5kQrEnt ] (adj.) referring to the present time 当前的
' [* p% Y' l) h' m- O, O[例]  current leaders8 B( U; B/ E0 j  W
[同义词]  presend, ongoing, prevailing
) ?, Q+ R) P3 F$ I& j2 O current account bank account from which a customer can withdraw money at any time 经常帐户
& P) p. Z. C, d7 h. _; j" W& C; w[例]  If you want your money can bring some benefits in the bank, I advise you do a time deposit rather than deposit it in your current account.

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