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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
current liabilities (n. pl) debts which a company must repay in the short term流动负债
2 t9 h5 S3 j- w! T[例]  Too many current liabilities is risky to a company. + Y5 M. K" _+ s. [" R( n2 q/ u0 K+ T
customer [ 5kQstEmE ] (n.) person/company who buys goods 消费者
4 w8 y9 ?- x) ]) M+ r[例]  Customers today are more rational when they are choosing and making decision. 2 z/ |; H/ {( _: d1 @! T7 F
customize [kQstEmaIz] (v.) to adapt a product for a particular customer定制+ j# \8 o4 J. Y4 d
[例]  I want to customize a new style of clothes for my fashionable sister.  * a2 ]* T; D" B! y. ^
cut back (v) to reduce the amount of money, staff or other resources available for a project or an organization 削减
2 m; e' y* o6 }  ~( P6 h5 h- V0 @- R1 O[例]  To reduce the risk involved in this project, we should cut back our investment in it 5 w3 p$ G6 j8 d6 I6 E0 e- u& H
cut-price (adj.) sold at a lower than normal price 打折的,廉价的# [5 F# k. Y: k7 j$ H* t1 z
[例]  Today we can taste that cut-price pizza after we finish shopping.
/ ?9 q! W+ o0 Bcut-throat (adj.) fierce, intense残酷的
) @0 R! \! Q  z[例]  cut-throat competition

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