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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cv [,si:5vi:; ,si5vi](n.) (=curriculum vitae) written statement of education and previous employment履历
8 S: u8 d0 E* L3 S[例]  If you want to apply for the job, don’t forget to send in a detailed cv. " u. x4 }- n. r( e& d
cycle [ 5saikl ] (n.) regularly repeated sequence周期+ t( v0 ]" w& I2 ~' p
[例]  This is our normal selling cycle-it’s always quiet after Christmas. 2 x3 l- H* A6 R. x$ {4 r
cycle time (n.) time between entry of material into production facility and exit周期时间: A% j! [1 Z9 m
[例] Cycle time should be condensed next year./ A' P# v8 w+ A, F' h$ V
D/A 1.deposit account定期存款 , _6 j! ?1 C0 ^# P, k/ g
2.document against acceptance 承兑交单 . x5 A, w* W0 O5 }
damages [ 5dAmidVz ] (n. pl) money claimed for harm done 赔偿金
+ a2 D% i. |; n9 t6 j( N[例]  We are claiming damages for unfair dismissal.1 k) H, c# F/ V) B( K
[同义词]  compensation,reparation
# F3 k$ z2 @+ K) Ndanger money (n) extra money or high wages paid to people working in hazardous conditions危险工作津贴 [例] All medical staff who were fighting SARS to save patient’s life received danger money.
4 X0 t1 P) y" A, d# C& e* w" kdatabase [ 5deitEbeis ] (n.) date bank 数据库
9 `! `! T+ q1 _day book (n) a book containing records of invoices, credit notes, etc. 日记帐; J" o7 X) q' r- u' b! b4 |
[例]  She wrote the invoice number in the day book to update the accounts.
5 \9 c  V. q" g% x- Sdeadline[ 5dedlain ] (n.) date/time by which something has to be done最终期限. j" N' {0 @$ O% C) u, `' {
[例]  The deadline for the application is tomorrow morning.

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