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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
deal [ di:l ]1.(n.) 1.business agreement交易
0 `2 F- H/ V; e[例]  We set up a deal with our agents.
! N# z! o. J: d- M$ \% J9 ?9 B2. (v.) trade, buy and sell做生意$ B  n$ w& ~7 ?% P0 U
[例]  He deals in gold.
2 T+ h! f+ }. t[同义词]  trade, bargain, negotiate 0 S( J1 {: G2 |" y
dealer [ 5di:lE ] (n.) person who buys and sells商人
" k7 c5 d  i) T' m/ j  v8 S' F[例]  a foreign exchange dealer+ r2 r+ j3 Z- C1 [# u8 x( \, U
[同义词]  merchant, trader, tradesman
8 r  }# L, }- p+ b# ?' edear [ diE ] (adj.) high-priced; expensive昂贵的 8 S: q3 g8 ]3 y6 F' l9 b) j
[例]  a dear gift
  i' `3 \: r, W- C( B0 L0 p[同义词]  expensive, costly, pricey 3 S- {0 I( Y% Q) {
dear money (n) money that is difficult to borrow because of high interest rate 高利息借贷资本
: I" d+ t3 L! S/ W# {0 I[例] Government adopted the dear money policy to restrain the overhot investment in the real estate.
4 C0 D3 t& Q' M" Edebenture [di5bentFE ] (n) a form of long-term loan, with a fixed rate of interest and usually repaid at a fixed date 公司债券; T) O, d3 O+ w) ~7 X
[例] The company sold the debenture for financing. ! p4 \4 w% O* }) L, L
debit [ 5debit ]1. (n.) money which is owed借方" B9 g1 f7 C' H3 k2 @. N& N( G8 X
[例]  The debit column is the left-hand column in accounts.
4 d5 a9 a! o; L! G- Y; O9 x4 ]2. (v.) debit an account记入借方
) |( ], U1 Q* k. G, l[例] debit$5 against a person's account   W' l3 E  E( X
direct debit money withdrawn automatically from a bank account for regular payments直接借记

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