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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
delegation [ 7deli5^eiFEn ] (n.) group of delegates代表团
0 t- q* |: d0 d; [[例]  The Shanghai Trade Delegation was warmly received at Hong Kong Spring Commodities Fair. 1 q1 t4 u2 p- X$ R! Y
deliver [ di5livE ] (v.) transport goods to a customer送货0 W+ N# ^8 X: j
[例]  You as the VIP customer can choose the way how we deliver our product to you and the charge will be free. 9 }5 d% Q2 u9 ]% y% J
delivery cycle (n.) time from receipt of customer order to shipment供货周期
0 x; U4 B' h" O4 _  e/ z[例]  We should try to shorten the delivery cycle.
7 c1 Z$ u5 B: g. e: w. }demand [ di5mB:nd ] (n.) 1. request for payment请求偿付. g( {1 s" Q2 y+ E$ z9 m& N
[例]  First demands were issued to all late payers.0 ]: `5 V& W4 q) H6 j& h
2. need for products and services at a certain price需求7 r' I: |+ e2 i% V: j
[例]  We are having difficulty meeting demand.
8 |# t3 l) B& E2 C! Hdemand management (n.) series of activities to recognize and manage all the demands for products需求的监督和调节
3 k! J. }8 Q2 s8 ?) `[例] They decided to carry out demand management to get information from consumers., I9 {! ?. @1 Y/ z& k7 ~
demotivated (adj.) not interested失去动力的
7 o+ U/ V; i) E# T[例] The depression of economy demotivated them at last.  2 z, S* A8 y" \: G
denationalize [di:5nAFEnElaIz] (v) to put a government-owned company or industry back into private ownership 私营化2 K4 V" V: @4 D1 a) L. p. V1 B
[例] Sooner or later, China’s communication sector will be completely denationalized.7 Q; ~" E" V4 M+ J- C8 ~$ R5 i. ]& C
[同义词] privatize 7 N2 S# J0 S/ i) O  P% ^; `
department [ di5pB:tmEnt ] (n.) part of an organization部门) t- |4 F3 W+ }' x% H( a
[例]  The employment manager would like to talk to some of the company’s supervisors and department heads.# r& p3 O# Z  k, w4 U  S0 j" T8 D
[同义词]  branch, division, subdivision

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