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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析五十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
desktop [5desktRp] (n.) desktop computer 台式电脑. i) a. O, P1 v" J
despatch [ dis5pAtF ] see: dispatch+ J. w! u+ W! h5 w, y' t
devalue [di:5vAlju:] (v.) reduce the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值: [3 T6 N, S- u4 x
[例]  The war inside the country severely hurts the consumers’ confidence and devalues its currency in the international financial market.
: ]# H8 ]  l" E. b" s8 ~; \[同义词]  depreciate, devaluate+ ?: p' ?0 f3 Z) [3 K- P: w) f; U0 F
devaluation [ 7di:vAlju5eiFEn ] (n.) the deduction in the value of a currency against other currencies(货币)贬值. {' L% G0 ]' T7 W% b- K5 v5 b
[同义词]  depreciation, deflation" @7 W( U& q# U0 b9 ^, D' Z( d
differentiate [ 7difE5renFieit ] (v.) to make something different or highlight the difference between two things区别; {, U$ x% m$ n. J' G8 D2 _8 J1 T- W
[例] It is hard to differentiate the one from the other.( i! E& ^: o1 \. B; L% m
[同义词]  distinguish, set apart,separate
- o% M6 I4 E- S# O& |# h, I8 \ Differentiation [ 7difE7renFi5eiFEn ] (n.) making sure that a product has distinguishing features区别
: u& W3 G  O, ~- N* @6 i[例] Line 1 and Line 2 have little differentiation." e$ T% u) ]1 d/ X, u  G. o5 n3 {# x3 a
price differential (n) the difference in prices charged for the same product in different shops, or for different products in a range 差价- J" A. o; ?3 W& m) ~
[例] The price for this air-conditioner is the lowest in Shanghai, and if you can find lower price for it within 15 days, we will refund the price differential to you.7 E$ o4 q) P- C9 U4 L# ^
direct [ di5rekt, dai5rekt ] (v.) manage, be in charge of管理,指挥
" @1 Y4 t- X  U( P6 [' E7 m: S[例]  He directs our sales operation.
- f% U8 l. B  `- k" ~8 O  O  h[同义词]  namage, control, run

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