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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
dismissal [ dis5misEl ] (n.) act of dismissing解雇9 {* }, n: h( U9 \
[例]  These rules are formal-such as the procedure for dismissal.
  i: E& v0 v$ }0 u( W3 q  |[同义词]  discharge
! A% q$ f/ l( z: U. i- A+ V; S dispatch 1. (n.) sending goods to a customer送货; W! a+ J8 F" g/ A) ^
[例]  dispatch department
3 q, v+ q8 L8 w6 _- x2. (v.) send goods to customers送货: k* \7 G: @: |; a: a% n$ J
display [dI5spleI] 1. (n.) show/exhibition of goods展览
4 x9 \6 g, T# w: c5 C  M9 t9 s. b[例]  There was a display of the latest research at the trade fair in Frankfurt.
4 [! R4 N5 A. i( q5 s( G- p$ V2. (v.) show, exhibit展览
& N: l& O% g& ?3 R6 M dispute [ dis5pju:t ]1. (n.) a disagreement争论* }% H* N9 L7 s2 C3 D
[例]  We hope the matter in dispute will soon be settled. ( J3 ~' p5 C" b/ w1 j
2. (v.) to disagree争辩
+ x  q& ]2 w* G& r! ~ distribute [ dis5tribju(:)t ] (v.) send out goods from the manufacturer to the end user分销
6 T% ^+ _' |% x% v- i  g[例] The distributing line of the company is very advanced and considerable./ X6 r! V" K' d; y# z. [
distribution [ 7distri5bju:FEn ] (n.) act of sending goods from the producer to another person or organization分销" P9 J$ o2 ?  i4 C/ L
[例] Have you prepared for the distribution of the goods?
! A  R" p1 b. x& } distributor [ dis5tribjutE ] (n.) person or company which sells goods for a manufacturer分销商
; z& v, I, H5 a7 [! t  D[例]  We are the sole distributors.

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