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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
diversify [ dai5vE:siti ] (v.) extend into new business areas多元化
4 z# x" t  G% H9 n[例]  Although we are a chemicals company, we diversified into publishing.7 f) C- z' f3 V, h+ d1 ]4 P
[同义词]  vary, variegate$ Q( E6 z, ?9 u0 d) p; O
diversification [ daivE:sifi5keiFEn ] (n.) act of diversifying多元化. j0 q) Q0 k" D. `* ]
[例]  The superior leaders of the company believe the diversification will bring larger market and more profits.( R  H1 L% N. J( ~$ ^/ ^3 J( w
divest [ dai5vest ] (v.) to sell assets出售
. T. X8 K& ?9 d- |- q[例]  We cannot divest all assets.
6 Z. T1 y' K, n* d5 L- ?7 p dividend [ 5dividend ] (n.) percentage of profits paid to shareholders红利
* R* b/ O8 z' l3 C[例]  The size of the dividend payment is decided by the board of the directors.
- P( h* L" k8 `. C2 y[同义词]  bonus
2 y2 Q  H/ C' U" O9 b dividend per share (n) the amount of money paid by a company to its shareholders divided by the total number of shares issues 每股股息7 I$ X# ^& ^$ _/ c3 u% V" ~) ?
[例]  After the reshuffle of the company, there is a huge rise in dividend per share .- t$ J1 B/ r8 _6 D: v
division [ di5viVEn ] (n.) main part of a large organisation部门6 Z0 q: w! @6 b" h) Q9 u
[例]  The job description indicates where the job is to be carried out in terms of location, plant, division, department, and section.+ D! t* B; X7 `$ d
documentation [ 7dCkjumen5teiFEn ] (n.) a collection of documents referring to a subject文件资料
. E( C/ c. r& J2 b/ n5 y3 c[例]  We have noted your instructions about documentation and will do accordingly.
- U6 ]6 C. d$ C9 A2 T2 S1 h dog [ dC^ ] (n.) term used in Boston Matrix to describe a product with low market growth and low market share(波士顿距阵中)市场占有率低、增长率慢的瘦狗产品- ]# g1 J/ O7 J( G
donate [ dEu5neit ] (v.) to present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute捐赠
. J. k& g" ^8 n" s% a5 |! B6 m[例]  TOSHIBA donated $ 5 m to Cambridge Univ.
7 Y; v/ d5 o3 j- k& S4 {9 d[同义词]  give, bestow

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