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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析六十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
drill [ dril ] (n.) disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure训练3 j* @9 j  O* z- q. c
[例]  easy and short drills
% T: B, d4 S& P5 l drive [draIv]1 (n.) energy内驱力,冲劲
: O; U/ D/ g2 X5 @" s8 A[例]  His drive was worn out in the long run.
5 M' Q: V3 ?$ t7 Q[同义词]  vigour
& `  r+ z0 w, H0 M# {' C% g% I2.(v.) urge forward催使,促进: _- g9 r7 i, ]% p0 K, \
[例]  New technological solutions are needed to tackle the problem and to help drive businesses forward to improve their productivity and output.$ q- A& B# i5 J" o/ P% D% W5 M
[同义词]  propel, push, impel+ u2 I3 n3 D4 x- \7 N; h
due [ dju: ] (adj.) owed应付的,到期的
0 @; R) a3 L2 B) z5 [[例]  This debt became due last week. ' A* J( C' G3 p
dull [ dQl ] (adj.) (of business or market)sluggish; flat 不景气的7 J0 ?( E+ H, ]$ l9 }" E3 F
[例] The business of this company is dull this year.4 }: v- J3 o/ ?! x9 g
duplicate [5dju:plikeit ](n) an exact copy of a document such as a letter, a report, a receipt , and invoice etc.副本
  _4 c- n& Y( K* ?5 e% ][例] Keep the duplicate for your reference. - }. o$ m/ L5 ], }) e0 {- o" B
[同义词] copy
: [* F/ E: E3 e# U( ^ duty-free (adj.)  exempt from customs duties 免税的: F" D( v/ ~+ o. |+ a  k, e
[例]  duty-free merchandise

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