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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
expire [ iks5paiE, eks- ] (v.) to come to an end; terminate到期  
! Q( ?" E3 M% Q5 r[例]  My passport expires in a month. 8 E* f1 C1 @  X
[同义词]  terminate 3 ]! o3 _6 |4 F7 L
  . m" n7 }5 N  Z' r
exposure [ iks5pEuVE ]1.(n.) publicity given to a product or company 公开,曝光
6 m& j' y1 l1 p" K4 `  J6 G 2. (n.) total audience number reached by an advertisement知道某广告的总人数 $ i) M  Y' G9 _- {; X4 ~: F2 [, W
[例] Have you counted the exposure reached by that attractive advertisement? ; q' p. E! g, p1 e! u3 ^
. p7 W) g* F6 X/ h5 v# yEuro [`jJErEJ ](n) (from 1999) the currency of the European Economic and Monetary Union 欧元
  [$ E  y# }9 t
# t, C4 L; g! q$ |# W+ v# ~% Ifactor [ 5fAktE ] (n.) thing which is important要素
  p# U0 S  D. q; R" ?[例]  Price is an important factor when deciding our strategy.
: Y  U: G' T) W2 }1 [0 f[同义词]  element, component , B, |2 G  c! i- Z4 N1 q* o; Q4 y
  ! \3 S6 a1 B+ d- C0 r2 G
factoring [ 5fAktEriN ] (n.) business of buying debts at a discount打折扣购买债务的业务
* z4 D( w1 V( @9 y  `" P; h  W  
- f- G$ v# W! j. Efacilities (n. pl) equipment or buildings used in the production process设备 : M6 V" I  i; T. H4 e
[例]  The club has many convenient facilities. 0 S, [0 ~6 `% A0 b9 L
8 F- a# U. d4 b( Kfail-safe system (n.) a system which is almost totally protected against crucial accidents自动保险体制
' ^& _2 p7 [/ Z; c: c[例] We should check if the fail-safe system works well
' r& B# t8 f. u. ) F0 J$ \: |$ a3 `, ^, g0 G
family business家族企业
8 a" `& B; i& M3 u. O' e7 W  
+ v  U$ P+ K  R3 C7 Mfashionable (adj.) trendy时尚的  
  f( i* F+ t! g1 v) b+ H" ?[例]  Nike is a fashionable brand of sportswear.
7 a2 a- E' |' |' C: [. v  Q( Z, d7 M* o% u  " h& t2 u) O2 L4 {  k+ t
fast –moving consumer goods (n) cheap, everyday items that are bought and used up quickly 快销消费品
+ E$ ]' I! [( r[例] You cannot set batteries a so high price, they are fast-moving consumer goods and you will lose long-established market.

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