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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
faulty [ 5fC:lti ] (adj.)( of product) having defects (产品)有瑕疵的
+ F6 V. r( t! m[例]  sorry for our faulty pilot products
) @7 h; O( c8 k6 I' S[同义词]  defective, imperfect 5 H& W# o7 N! F8 c0 o- z5 ]  c
  ( ~# Q2 d, l# V0 h
feasibility study (n.) investigation of a project to see if it is worth pursuing可行性研究   T6 n2 @2 {3 z2 Q+ h8 e, x( K5 e
[例]  Feasibility study is always done before the project is formally carried out.
9 d* }) x: A1 q8 e* x6 P$ x8 S  ; Z4 P% b; h' Y" ~2 f6 v
fee [ fi: ] (n.) money paid for service provided by a professional person such as a lawyer or a doctor对职业性服务的报酬
8 m% U- R# Z3 H; j[例]  The commission fees are usually higher in the foreign bank than those local bank. 8 }9 ~; j# l3 T  Z  I; s2 e% S+ G
[同义词]  payment, reward, remuneration
, N0 ?- ^) r, X" K3 `  1 s9 x* d/ [, C: E7 Y1 K
feedback [ 5fi:dbAk ] (n.) information about the results of an activity, given to a person so that changes can be made反馈 1 Y( ^$ g2 X2 {6 [
[例]  After the session we will give you feedback on your performance so that it can be improved.
4 v; b4 W3 U7 k; H  G. C  3 L+ G: c3 f5 ~8 f$ ^3 G
fiduciary [ fi5dju:FEri ] 1.(n) one, such as an agent of a principal or a company director, that stands in a special relation of trust, confidence, or responsibility in certain obligations to others 受托人 7 D7 c% i; Y  ]2 n9 e$ x) w$ Y$ r
[例] The solicitor acted as fiduciary .  
- f/ Q4 `" a, U6 q5 Y2. (adj.) of or relating to a holding of something in trust for another 信托的
7 z) a# i( L# E- v3 _[例] a fiduciary contract

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