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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
xhibit [ i^5zibit ]1. (n.) goods or services displayed at a fair or trade show展览 . _) l! \" `. V/ M5 q& v0 c
[例]  The exhibit of mobile phones has drawn special interest of young people. + O5 f% N6 z. c' F) u6 ?( c
2. (v.) display products or services at a show展览 4 c% d3 p) L% g- y; N( h
  % T3 E8 E5 v* [8 W, _5 @
exhibition [ 7eksi5biFEn ](n.) show of goods展览会 6 a1 A+ s' f' t+ W/ @
: g( }4 w0 w1 T) i* f$ b% {' X! Texpand [ iks5pAnd ] (v.) get bigger扩张,发展 ! _! _! U- n5 g  u, \! C
[例]  The market is expanding. " V# ~6 t" R) C3 l
[同义词]  stretch, spread, enlarge + }+ _9 U9 c) n7 {9 i3 @
2 j9 C! Z* D# J: r3 x* Rexpansion [ iks5pAnFEn ] (n.) increase in size扩展 9 [$ w9 M* |9 B; z4 B$ }3 N
[例]  The firm is planning for rapid expansion of its market. # L- }- s7 n% q+ B2 q7 Q
[同义词]  enlargement, amplification ! H  y) H0 ]& J- @$ ]7 v; A0 [
' U2 d. N/ ?6 X. J% e* yexpect [ iks5pekt ] (v.) wait for sb. for a talk , discussion etc.找某人 : \; m  i8 t/ R  U+ {! ^
[例]  Jack, Mr. Casson is expecting you in his office!
/ o" |# j( U" Z[同义词]  await
/ i' H( C# E: G0 |, `  
' Q2 @% |5 [& r, Z) x0 B2 z# P6 q# Z- fexpenditure [ iks5penditFE, eks- ] (n.) amount of money spend花费 ( o8 d$ z0 C# O* g9 u; P4 i" E. z4 P, l
[例]  Capital expenditure is the money we have spent on fixed assets. + k/ q8 V& g9 y' F% C' n( h
[同义词]  spending, expense
  V2 ?4 \% {! Q# l) Z% u* d% Q! [  # [- e: j4 Y5 n
expenses (n. pl) money paid for covering extra costs费用
8 ?6 q$ R! g3 Q) ]  y( E[例]  The fee did not include travel expenses. - F! X) _, w# Q/ \) E/ P! z
  4 _+ [7 ^. f4 K: X3 o
experienced [Ik5spIErIEnst] (adj.) skilled or knowledgeable as the result of active participation or practice 有丰富经验的
. a) g( G. o, C5 l( P: ^[例]  She was an experienced chef.
! q" W: f; \! _. H0 K$ q: a- r[同义词]  practiced, versed, familiar 8 z' t$ V( p6 Y% j+ v
/ r0 r! d; ~2 d6 D0 i. ^expertise [ 7ekspE5ti:z ] (n.) particular knowledge or skill专门技术 ! T! r) T, C  h3 B
[例]  One of the advantages of using an employment agency is that it offers expertise in an area where the employer is not regularly in the market.

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