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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
flagship [5flA^FIp] (n.) the main or most successful product in a range 旗舰,同类产品中佼佼者 % g! v! b/ l. A8 s1 E' z$ j
[例]  Their cars are flagships among all the products in this city. 6 Y2 L0 ~9 N4 F) ]. l4 N5 r
2 s/ r2 s, t: L9 |' g1 _/ Yflat [ flAt ] (adj.) commercially inactive; sluggish 萧条的 # T: A! N( W. x
[例]  The American market was flat in 1995.
2 w5 V4 F5 b- f4 Q# @  % u6 F' Q+ L/ Y2 D; u4 a( V
flawed (adj.) having defects有瑕疵的  ; p$ Y- [& A! z6 R6 ~8 @6 `
[例]  I am writing to apologize for our flawed samples.
2 B$ ]3 G+ Z4 a4 _  
; H* `4 G& \1 X  E# F: oflexitime [5fleksItaIm] (n.) (also flextime) flexible system of working in which workers can choose what time to start and finish (see also core time)弹性上班制
" K7 b6 \1 e, h' p( u[例]  With the flexitime system you can choose your start and finish time.
( o2 ^5 `& ?6 D* [6 W  - i4 i# I& {, a4 p- ~
flier [ 5flaiE ] (n.) a promotional leaflet 广告传单
, S& B! n$ N$ L* W: {[例]  Fliers of this new type of computer are handed out in all the streets.
: q* u) h5 ~) b  
4 k' ~/ G+ O4 Q# P4 I& lflip chart (培训常用的)活动挂图 " t6 N$ a. U! c7 O/ \+ L4 v. i' _" _
) i' z! J# A( w. Z; s( Kfloat [ flEut ] (v.) put a company’s shares for sale on the Stock Exchange发行(股票、债券等) & Y, U. |6 N0 d8 @2 b5 h
[例]  When the company was floated on the stock market, many of them opted to become shareholders. 4 g$ P0 N# S: i
' t! J, @  j+ k' m1 Sfloatation [ flEu5teiFEn ] (n.) starting or expanding a company by offering shares for sale以公开发行股票的方式开办公司 ; \' k* K& \! t7 O
[例]  a new company flotation

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