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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
flop [ flCp ] (n.) failure失败 8 N( {; |# Y, ?& B
[例]  Their corporation came to a flop in the end. 8 P  h) ^+ V. \7 |% f
  & [& Y2 J( f/ k4 L
flow shop (n.) production workshop where machines and operators handle a continuous material flow, as in mass production流水线车间 ( v- N) }! W2 U% H" u) g
# {3 E' x! B9 p, B% R1 Q6 b6 V  P1 Lfollower [ 5fClEuE ] (n.) company which follows others into a market市场追随者 7 H* V0 g9 j9 w! d
[例]  Many companies became followers seeing KFC’s success. 4 h8 z- n& f. t1 y# X
5 {' I) U) ?3 p! O. ~* Ufluctuate [ 5flQktjueit ] (v.) rise and fall rapidly波动
7 R* @" b$ W! \! p4 n& E% A[例]  Workers certainly don’t want their pay to fluctuate wildly. 8 E  G, u8 k% K
[同义词]  vacillate,waver, vary
' k  q5 \3 E4 R7 O' Q0 P6 G0 G  
/ \, J1 I8 q/ V7 mfluctuation [ 7flQktju5eiFEn ] (n.) sudden movement波动 ( k& U$ v! b' H& R- S
[例]  It is difficult to estimate the price fluctuation of the market.   }& @+ z" |# J% j" H& S
  ) S) \) {  @' j/ u( p( E% q
FOB  (free on board) 离岸价
9 _, u: t% o& p# H# [- T! m  
9 C' q- {; g% Q4 o( n2 Jfollow-up (n.) an activity done to add to or continue something done earlier后继(产品) % `( k& @0 B+ L
[例]  The software was a successful follow-up to the original product.
  o3 ^6 `2 e$ f* o  , X& D; T$ n( S2 ~+ z
force majeure (n) an unexpected and unavoidable event that causes or allows a contract to be changed or cancelled if it has a forcer majeure clause 不可抗力
. P/ n* F0 ~4 e4 W7 s& H+ f[例] Due to force majeure , this deal turned out to be a great failure.
8 f6 E" G. _$ \" `0 |[同义词]Act of God 5 m- e( W' n  E' d
: r" U+ }+ v- i) w, s# P2 J4 U$ T1 sforecast [ 5fC:kB:st ]1. (n.) estimate of what will happen in the future预测  , K- Z3 h0 Z- P0 ~
[例]  The inflation of the currency and booming commodity price in the market forecast the bubble economy. 9 m# i+ Z' a' F( W, l" N- `
2. (v.) predict what will happen预测
8 `+ v4 r4 O: D  ) L( g3 ]8 B0 e* w
foreclose [ fC:5klEuz ](v) to deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as when payments have not been made 取消(抵押品的)赎回权  - a0 Q. o3 S8 C$ r1 @1 ]
[例] That bank foreclosed on the mortgage.

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