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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
freehold [5fri:hEJld] (n.)an estate held in fee or for life享有全权的或可终身保有的不动产 ! H. z6 R* ^# o
  , [7 I$ ~' W( d( a/ V; l
free gift (n) an extra item given free with a purchase to encourage sales 赠品
- P7 V4 |# ]) Z/ R' ]1 g, h4 [, M[例] If you buy this cell phone, you will receive a free gift with it. & c* I8 F3 |" x5 Y7 e6 _
8 A2 r+ o) ?0 u( b4 k$ ~freelance [fri7lens] (adj, n) a person, especially a writer or an artist, who sells his or her services to employers without a long-term commitment to any one of them 自由职业 6 Z  m2 v% p( p% E8 i1 w) ]0 ]
[例] She is working as a freelance---writing and make a living from sale of her books .
3 A% n, y- y# r1 b5 x$ B& k  * J) Q* B% ~1 }
frequent flyer one who frequently take air-flight for business trip 经常乘飞机出差的人 : `6 \! V1 @$ O% C! A# [" A; u9 r
7 @: n4 ?5 ^- m. D* C6 k  O  Qfrill [ fril ] (n.) a luxury 奢侈品  
8 @1 Q" q. ~+ W$ k* q- a[例]  Now non-frill flight are more popular with frequent flyers.
9 `$ ~) b$ I# P: L( o5 [    A. F+ L$ @6 _% b# j( _
fringe benefits extra benefits 额外福利 " H4 s. ?' d9 }7 f3 U0 ?+ l
1 g" m; T. M  x, U, bfund [ fQnd ]1. (n.) money set aside for a special purpose基金
# \: {" V! @% W  I; L2 {; j2 q' P5 h[例]  a pension fund  * r& W' ?% C/ n
2. (v.) provide money for投资 ' U/ B! b4 v. L
[例]  We funded the company in the early days. ( n; n! V4 X5 a  l5 }; N! Q/ k+ T2 N
  8 {  \* T: K& N6 ]4 b+ t+ Z  H
funds [ fQndz ] (n. pl) money available to spend资金
: l. G  N" g9 B* T[例]  We need extra funds to pay for research.

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