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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析七十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
futures [ 5fju:tFEz ] (n. pl) trading in shares and commodities for delivery at a later date期货
% v8 m- `: N8 e0 F- ]+ Z+ j& v[例]  Features are different from options. 9 |; x8 X% H5 m6 c9 b
" o2 u* B/ n9 |7 W  l  _0 Agap [ ^Ap ] (n.) hole, unfilled space(市场)空白,缺口 % z! u$ `: Y8 Z0 O6 }6 n
[例]  There’s a gap in the market.
6 ^' k4 b) w) @' Z# [) C  
, `  w+ F9 v+ [. t( F) bgearing [ 5^iEriN ] (n.) The ratio of a company’s long-term funds with fixed interest to its total capital  联动比率
8 G4 K& q! u+ Z5 H[例]  A high gearing is generally considered very speculative.  
' f+ F% d& {9 J" z$ w  + ?& }2 ^: J! `: w% J
gimmick [ 5^imik ]1. (n.) an attractive and clever idea诀窍 4 ^5 @; p5 Q% [! j3 Y) s" P, M
[例]  He is a smart boy to think of this gimmick.
8 G, N: f; X2 C9 ^2.(n.) an innovative stratagem or scheme employed especially to promote a project吸引人的噱头,创新的计策或计划,尤指促进一计划
" |, Y8 ^- u$ t) c$ P/ x0 O[例]  an advertising gimmick.
% ]8 l; b8 \  V4 Q  ; y( V  |- u+ m, y& t, O4 p
globalization [9^lEJbElaI`zeIFEn;-lI`z-] (n.) to make worldwide全球化  ) z/ V& ^) E6 T+ ~% j( Q- u6 h
[例]  The globalization of economy is a trend at present and in the future. ! S3 a. v# y! D. A: p" ]2 ~
! Q' K5 z9 B  W. H  R; J7 J+ J& O& LGM (general manager) 总经理 ; {, I7 ]$ G% ~6 _) C6 Y) ]9 ~. A
[例]  My goal is to climb up the executive ladder of our company to the position of GM.
1 m1 v6 C. N$ U  H, d  & v% _* Q4 ?' k
goal [ ^Eul ] (n.) aim, objective目标
# }7 _6 ]; q) D7 q[例]  The goal is too high to achieve. % ^) N* n2 V% U6 U
0 ~0 \, P  L. W$ M; Vgoing [ 5^EuiN ] (adj.) active, running现有的
9 K) L) I2 R: f: j/ k" v[例]  This business is a going concern.
7 A' ^2 [. x: j4 f% V  / ]: P0 v4 |3 ^* ^
going rate (n.) market price for a product时价
# K8 p' z" k' S[例]  The going rate is negotiable only when you will order a great quantity.

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