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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
hazard [ 5hAzEd ] (n.) danger危险 8 I& g+ Y9 F2 Z! x
[例]  New technologies are continually being introduced that create new hazards not covered by existing laws. ) l9 M; a$ f1 b
  8 s. o8 q; T8 j" M" A( t
head (v.) be the head of, be in charge of领导
3 d: s  D. @  Q; j  G  b$ x[例]  The department is headed by me as personnel director. 3 o1 M. x# [% k4 b
[同义词]  lead, direct, control  1 \/ n" T! i3 @0 ?' g/ {
  8 F8 E6 U% ^: H8 \* M8 _2 k/ P
header paper (n) writing paper with the name, address and telephone number of an company printed at the top带信头的信纸  , u6 g0 `: r" \& N+ T# ^
[例] In our correspondence , we usually use headed paper. 3 r) i  L! H4 t4 r. E0 o! y- V5 R
  ! h3 N5 ?+ ?4 B+ y* K
headhunt (v) to look for someone for a job or position猎头  4 o5 D% f+ ]3 h% b9 R" D1 W
[例] The firm is headhunting some talented young men for this project. ' s/ O) n; t% ^# C4 u" ]
  2 V: B4 t9 A  d0 I9 L
                                                                                           6 O" R7 M; r& }, N
headquarters [ 5hed7kwC:tEz ] (n.) a center of operations or administration总部
7 s1 \! w! ^6 P* K( E[例]  The company has its headquarters in the suburbs. / m' N& v$ m1 c- v8 r
! Z/ X2 t- Q% K3 phealth and safety (n.) measures taken by a company to protect its employees工厂健康安全措施
# W' q( @( M% b, D4 n  1 k- {- q. `# Z( D1 h% a$ \' ?
hedge [ hedV ] (n.) protection, security套头,两面下注以避免损失
" n3 O8 M9 }9 H+ ^0 F[例]  Hedging can help offset the constant rise and fall in the price of commodities traded. ) A! D+ M- Y) Q9 C' `* I
( E  U& V# u- d4 J+ V- Thidden [ 5hidn ] (adj.) not declared, not obvious隐藏的,灰色的 0 g* r9 d4 d' u% v2 |6 G
[例]  There are certain hidden costs.
3 i3 t) O, ]) |- ?; h: Q2 m6 D$ b[同义词]  secret, concealed

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