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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
innovation [ 7inEu5veiFEn ] (n.) a new idea or product创新 # ~% L) w1 ~5 H  O: w
[例]  All the senior managers agreed to make an innovation in the company. $ v/ x! j+ @( F- w- a: V: B
[同义词]  alteration, modernism
7 ~: ~" Y0 ?4 m( l# M1 T" d7 m; Q  
/ _6 Z, Q9 c+ J# i) t# W( `input [ 5input ] (n.) work which goes into a system投入 9 e1 I3 Y8 l) o; M$ z$ N' G! ]
[例]  Land and capital belong to inputs. $ W  |: Y3 m9 }/ }3 k; L
  ) r* @! o6 O7 O( z% O4 A' n
insider [In5saIdE(r)] (n.)one who has special knowledge or access to confidential information 业内人士,内线
9 H0 {, E4 d- C1 W9 z6 w4 ?  7 g3 A. n" e( I9 L# c2 H
insider dealing (n.) illegally using inside information to buy and sell shares (often before a takeover deal)(股票)内部交易
' k0 t% r# G5 y$ y5 @  L8 ~2 `' z1 b[例]  Insider dealing will do great harm to a company’s benefits.
; L2 Y1 r( C5 g6 I: R. ]( Z  
2 L- K* O. s; M& Q8 rinsolvent [In5sRlvEnt] (adj.) not able to pay debts破产的 , m/ b5 `  }, V" W6 [# i
[例]  The company will soon be insolvent. / z. j$ T- D- p
[同义词]  bankrupt & H2 `1 O2 R8 [2 Z5 w/ }
  / G) J/ f, Y0 x% c/ x
instalment [ in5stC:lmEnt ] (n.) any one of the parts of a payment spread over a period of time分期付款(一期款项) 0 S; R8 L/ O5 @( K. h5 F3 t
[例]  We’re paying for the ‘telly’ by monthly instalments.
0 w( v" l- k( I9 H1 i. s, r[同义词]  part-payment

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