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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析八十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
inflate [ in5fleit ] (v.) increase artificially, without reason(通货)膨胀 ; _2 z; e5 y7 K- b. D
[例]  The local currency inflates in the money market but the government can’t find out the reason.
& w6 a& c1 z' Q6 ^; J( k  
% h9 D0 I* w; ^  b3 m4 c& Ainflate the economy activate the economy by increasing the money supply通过通货膨胀刺激经济
+ `- L& S6 G: b6 q  " E1 D1 x5 c% k0 t
inflation [ in5fleiFEn ] (n.) state of rising prices通货膨胀
% J! u7 [* Q- q, M! \[例]  Inflation is the cause of this economic recession.
; n9 F" t# h7 g& f+ q# X  
3 O; t$ Q* o0 n5 Finflationary [ in5fleiFEnEri ] (adj.) resulting in an increase in inflation通货膨胀的 , o% p; q8 z6 \5 K$ J* _" r/ X
[例]  These wage demands will be inflationary. ) M4 y1 _! x. ?- y, h* |
) l7 o) Y! X0 {# Winfringe [ in5frindV ] (v.) to break a law or regulation违反 + W) z2 |& x, q; N, Q$ h
[例]  They infringe upon the regulations.
8 `- |! w7 z6 E6 ]( A[同义词]  violate, break, disobey - Q% P7 X6 E" Z5 F% t$ G! T; m
, }; ~8 s  r! W8 Jinfringement [ in5frindVmEnt ] (n.) the breaking of a law or regulation违反
, L. I1 D& r' y* o! H6 E[例]  Their infringements on the law result in committing crime.
0 N: D! m; D$ K% Q% k( {[同义词]  violation, contravention
- y7 G+ R+ w# {1 Y( V( j# O7 p/ q* Y* I  
( c4 f2 S; P; t1 c) C/ X8 I- Qinfrastructure [ 5infrE5strQktFE ] (n.) the basic facilities, services, and installations needed for the functioning of a community or society基础设施
  w/ K6 p3 P1 k+ N0 H% B: K[例]  The government are planning to invest in the infrastructure heavily this year.
3 r3 n6 k1 G* P! L  ; U# K, j9 p8 u# Z/ V% S# ?
initiate [ i5niFieit ] (v.) start开办  
/ C; u" n: `+ v% U. x$ g9 E% N[例]  The business was initiated by the family a hundred years ago.
7 D- w  k, x% n' v  
+ e, B# U. H$ }" Xinnovate [ 5inEuveit ] (v.) to develop a new idea or product创新 * `& D% K% L6 L; V6 z* d
[例]  They decided to innovate a new kind of product.

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