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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1)A first enquiry 7 `1 g, ?6 T1 d6 N2 C
Dear Sirs, ) o- N- v- c" D  J. i
+ T% f/ V- Q2 s5 }# c
We have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers.
3 \( H9 F5 g) G% h+ h! |' o6 B( b7 X  ^7 i" N7 d
We operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods. , H* w" N( O# K3 r
0 w$ U( W# n. |# l
Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms?
" o% L6 k# A( O4 `) x, q
, v& a) L3 N  j" t9 RWe would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. 8 Y; ]9 E# n& u+ @
: }, I7 J" ~; \/ `2 K9 H
Yours faithfully, ' z' p  r' N" t, ]1 a0 a* T
Sandra Jones . }2 p& B5 \8 c" m
3 }8 D3 X% o6 V# _/ a6 |/ M====================================
0 \8 p; _! w, m% {  |7 jA first enquiry ( Y7 \5 i/ d0 x, f5 X6 ]  J
第一次詢價 " y# c  t" G/ k* k5 ]
Dear Sirs, - B2 K  Z/ `# Y" h
( C# U! L+ N% B0 a! r7 eWe have learned from Smith and Company of Birmingham that you manufacture a range of high-fashion handbags in a variety of leathers.
- f6 ]( U& `1 h0 R從伯明翰.史密斯公司!獲悉貴公司制作了一系列款式新穎的皮革手提包.
- ]0 \8 Y, R% D! f! L0 u. A; M& oWe operate a quality retail business and although our sales volume is not large , we obtain high prices for our goods.
/ @. u4 c/ m1 x( U8 ^本公司經營高檔零售業務,雖然銷量不多,但貨品屬優質高檔. " o: M! k& D, G: ?
Would you please send me a copy of your handbag catalogue with details of your prices and payment terms? ! P/ Q" v2 @+ t7 ?4 P
現懇請惠寄貨品目錄、價格表和付款方式細則. 5 [. L- g1 g6 Y) w! f- K- N( A
We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various skins from which the handbags are made. & x  g" x% b$ Z: N/ G' |
2 W8 ~5 f3 v6 q. o& T1 M7 w" sYours faithfully, 5 ~# N7 S/ `/ K7 \) R- Q; _' h
Sandra Jones 6 \& G+ W6 O: ~) s, e7 b. ^6 g2 {

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