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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Alternative phrases替代用語  
% Y, W9 S* _4 cThank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation:  
; s* Z! a$ Z/ V/ M7 X- y( ~  r' r(In reply to your enquiry of…)  7 A) W+ ^! O+ Y. S
(The offer is conditional on our final confirmation.)  + g; s+ A6 O" Z8 X! [$ U- c/ T
Production: Steel screws  7 O  I4 d* w& ^5 v: c3 N
Specifications: As per the attached list  
6 C, D- X# L) d8 Z1 Y  lPacking: Loose in boxes of 5kg net  
) d1 `) O4 U  n- E5 Z. r( fQuantity: 100 boxes  
, N6 l1 ]: a9 Y1 o& F+ j+ @Price: As per the attached list  
0 a4 _# y# P$ W) w. `Shipment: January/February 1996  
% p9 ]1 a0 ~; @Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.  . M6 n. P, w" i$ B8 Q: u0 a/ m( E

, ?1 Y3 F- a5 `4 J8 bUnder separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.  # O3 _5 B. r" L7 \7 P8 o
$ j) |1 @3 U: V+ J! C) ?( C0 E" O4 v
If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.  . P9 ~% O+ X4 a& E
(If our offer is acceptable…)  
9 {. W/ |  O' ?! ?; |$ U8 b6 @+ Q=========================================  
$ E1 Q! L. [6 s0 G8 l6 jComments評注  
1 \9 `# U: k/ fThe offer is concise and clear. The method of payment, letter of credit, is the securest form of payment when dealing with export orders. Tabulating details of an offer provides a simple checklist for the customers to follow. The offer is conditional to allow for any unforeseen problems such as cost increases.  ; b+ ]( W5 E, w) X1 {: H5 ^
報價簡潔明確,項目詳列成表.令收信人一目了然.需經發信人最后確認方為有效.可避免因其他因素而引致的成本上漲.以信用證付款是處理出口訂貨最可靠的方法.  8 F1 S; ^& l" L; i" d' k" z
/ X9 s8 D: q. H& w0 i0 @
(5)Asking for a pro forma invoice  
, Z; d- d2 [. ?# ], A( O) vDear Sirs,  * T8 G4 T# W# A; s' C8 r
One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:  3 _: K( ?! t  v, X" m7 E

* C1 L2 f! q, l4 p( L/ CLion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.  4 z' c% z! r8 v' `- B9 u
  o' n# C" N/ ~  i5 X8 ?
Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we can get our client’s confirmation.  / _* K1 i8 o% W  d7 t% [

0 A  U% d. a$ ]( O! iWe will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.  3 ^7 V4 s5 U, s4 q

8 u- o8 G7 E% u0 U; gYours faithfully,  
+ U5 k2 [- B: j6 n, A6 zT S Khayam  
) M& ^/ m3 G) t3 i3 i3 ?7 uImport Manager  
" ?' M+ @7 l2 J9 G( u2 d===================================  
9 x' p) Q5 g) S% tAsking for a pro forma invoice  
, ]8 e7 b0 M  r4 c( }, `索取形式發標  # n; ]; `: ?( ~. |0 A1 H
Dear Sirs,  ) N) H! P; v0 {: x
( z6 |# {  s, Y$ q8 c& M9 _" D, |One of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:  
! E6 c; m- ?; w8 W- M本公司客戶要求獲得下列產品的形式發票  
, `+ h0 G* I7 G( X9 x' F$ W2 [1 R8 lLion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.  
, |/ X) Z, E) q! q. ~, E3 X# s# h獅牌21型鍍鉻指甲鉗2500打  * p( I' f2 g, U0 I
Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we can get our client’s confirmation.  
, K5 L- i/ m2 A7 y5 h& w現請貴公司盡快寄送一式三份的形式發票給我們,以便取得該客戶的確認.  , T* W" ]6 j7 |* I9 ]
We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


" s: y! {1 Z( \1 d; E' Y0 NYours faithfully,  
8 i# Y; N( F9 S' o. |: k$ MT S Khayam  # X3 X: j' a" M5 f
Import Manager  
# W. y. w9 c% ^( M' ~9 G' X# w7 Z進口部經理
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