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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信七

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
An enquiry for steel screws  
; m. V3 ]7 e! m0 i; i鋼螺釘詢價  
+ q. L# S  }' [9 X- S1 X% H& `0 ~Dear Sirs,  3 J: W! v8 `1 ]: }2 }( n
8 A! ^1 u+ k" b8 P) _" C$ |7 ?We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.  . i0 x: b3 p+ c6 c/ |: {
本公司有意大量購買各型號鋼螺釘,欲知每公斤送抵英國利物浦的成本加運費價格.如蒙惠賜上述報價單,不勝感激.  , e# F) D1 _1 O7 p' y
It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.  
2 X& Z, G' X: y如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感謝不盡.  $ o. m, D- C+ K: ^$ K! J- R/ ]
We used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.  
9 M1 M* F9 T6 Z. y# S1 e, z本公司素來向其他公司購買此類貨品,聞悉貴公司貨品質優價廉,故欲與貴公司建立合作關系.  5 a; y4 F. O5 P% Q
We look forward to hearing from you by return.  
# V, B9 G0 |! r, T7 Z! n專此候復.  # M" ~# ]$ a6 g  o& @! L! n7 ~
Yours faithfully,  & a" ]& R5 q* m* `# B1 `
Nigel Brown  2 D) ?" i* a$ }' V% @; V
Purchasing Manager  
1 I. \; i, _0 {4 W採購部經理  
+ [7 o% b" ?/ u8 e( Q$ z% d======================================  7 V* N7 U8 W3 D6 E
Useful phrases實用短語  
+ ^; ~9 u/ x% Q% R$ u8 q1.We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per…  % f! Q" g1 ^2 @/ D! q0 ~$ ?
如蒙惠賜上述報價單,不勝感激.  : ?) W! }* \. m( s6 x+ S0 i+ T1 Q" \
2.It would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.  
- e2 _" f; e6 ?/ e. \如能惠寄樣本和價格表,亦必感謝不盡.  : E" T# ]# C, B" J0 U/ s+ V
3. We have confidence in the quality of your products.  
; v# Q3 T9 D9 C6 P# o$ l3 d…聞悉貴公司貨品質優價廉…  
: Y, @/ ^2 R" P4 D==============================  
( {/ I+ D/ C  ~/ \5 N$ `% A: o2 YNotes段意解說  7 J( b, I0 o- R) H
1.State the enquiry clearly, giving details.  * Q; e) P' f1 Q8 h# v) v/ A
" ~3 l. t/ |' L6 r( G6 S2.State any additional requests    \* w: I: U: Z' n# q
說明其它請求  % F1 T2 I! J" o( A: H5 G8 O
3.Explain why you are approaching this particular company    c8 f' l* U; R# r& Z6 w* ~
. Y3 V8 w! g, l3 g3 g( Y0 E" i4.Ask for a quick response  6 n) H: I1 O3 D
要求盡早回復.  . Q- d. z* H2 b% h
8 j; p) F% V, S1 {* |( L* y: L# XAlternative phrases替代用語  ) n* r* f, Q5 Q) }- |8 R
We are interested in buying large quantities of steel screws in all size. We would be obliged if you would give us a quotation per kilogram C&F Liverpool, England.  8 p4 C2 G4 P1 h
(We would like to purchase…)  
! _1 M! S0 y! _' P(We would be grateful if…)  
0 p& U7 @9 J" Q+ ?: [& p7 o" C4 wIt would also be appreciated if you could forward samples and your price list to us.  1 _# b, j" v; P/ @) ?8 C2 `
(We would appreciate it…)  
) }* Q% c8 X1 lWe used to purchase these products from other sources. We may now prefer to buy from your company because we understand that you are able to supply larger quantities at more attractive prices. In addition, we have confidence in the quality of your products.  0 c7 s3 o& O, d" U: w
(We previously purchased…)  % T! D- v8 h3 f; A- x/ O* Z
(…we are given to understand…)  ! a# [+ V5 q' f9 w3 ^
(…more competitive prices…)  
6 T9 R0 B2 t2 B' Y  E1 o) HWe look forward to hearing from you by return.  
* @" }6 p* f) v. a5 W7 H! a, |=======================================  
1 e* `" L. g3 n% Z1 g" @0 eComments 評注  
, j- V$ q6 W0 C  J. V6 r0 b$ SThe enquiry is clearly stated with all relevant details at this stage. It makes it clear that the prospective purchaser wishes to buy quite large quantities but wants top quality products at very competitive prices.  . X; i! \- W, B+ q9 }) u( b  {1 s
5 p' f, D# \4 I! s(4)Reply to an enquiry for steel screws  " @0 O5 \! d) u/ E
Dear Mr Brown,  
5 P0 ]' w3 E; T" ~6 J* SThank you for your enquiry of 2 October 1995. In reply, we would like to make the followings offer, subject to our final confirmation:  
5 j* W. B8 I& ^% a9 b8 {" K+ S( l2 p
Production: Steel screws  8 }8 ^. z- s$ X! g) {
Specifications: As per the attached list  
3 x: p- t. c- ]Packing: Loose in boxes of 5kg net  3 _/ s/ v6 M& q3 w& n/ |8 c
Quantity: 100 boxes  0 W" m( k/ y7 U9 e
Price: As per the attached list  3 U" k0 l3 M$ `3 G3 J6 s
Shipment: January/February 1996  " L3 ?) d' K/ E9 X& P+ k" s
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of payable by draft on sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.  
+ c/ p7 f; f* I2 o- n) s1 Y' ~2 ^+ g. W2 [0 z8 p
Under separate cover, we have sent you samples of various sizes, our catalogue and price list.  
5 k8 k. q/ R4 n: K1 S4 o$ A; R8 Z2 N& {( p) e/ r& Y. ~
If you find our offer acceptable, please telex or fax us for confirmation.  % k; ~2 u$ M4 t" Q
8 ?2 x2 w6 ^0 l/ y" R- n
Yours sincerely,  
' d+ R* o4 u# l% a+ m3 ^K T Chang  ; p8 e9 g! X$ N1 h
Sales Manager

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