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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Useful phrases
& h6 [, M$ F7 \! q# h1. We are pleased to hear that you are interested in our products.
3 ?# D- c; A5 {# r: G$ K得悉貴公司對我們的產品有興趣,實感榮幸. * L$ l" F- n  h
2. I regret to say that we can not send you the full range of samples.
5 m; }$ k& T5 J" x2 l+ H* T很抱歉未能寄上全套樣本…
7 Z$ T: ^7 p4 r& ^* U/ M3. She will have with her a wide range of our products. 6 C  a8 G8 V6 b  @# y) A& f
攜同各類產品… : {/ R# `2 [! l4 g
4. We think that you will agree that only the best quality materials are used 2 b, L- |0 K% t- o7 l1 ~. r' @
! `0 n3 B" K. f7 B* S6 M5. The high standard of workmanship will appeal to the most discriminating buyer.
% n/ M" a5 H% m* z5 e; S6 `…能吸引最有鑒賞力的買主. % q) K' r9 S$ W- w/ f
- H1 m8 {2 I; A: X+ C' u: y% z  n' p
/ u0 C5 H* w/ G# i1.Make the reference clear and respond. * u; k' h# ~- I' C; \
確認來函,作出回應. * v) p& L! \% ?7 I! Z* ]
2.State what acting you are taking 0 U! ]9 r( I: ]5 c' X3 J/ |3 ^4 z
詳述現正采取的措施 1 H  E1 _: q6 ]; f3 r
3.Explain why you have not been able to meet the request in full
$ q3 Q, ^2 L) R% T3 ?解釋未能滿足收信人所有要求
2 s) e7 Z0 C( J4 S; @2 ?7 N' D4.Add details of any follow-up action " u+ ^3 m. p5 s
/ a1 i/ h1 }" D2 p1 d& L5.Broaden the customer’s interest, hoping to sell additional products.   ]+ T. w' p5 ], M* q8 r7 o

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