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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
label [ 5leibl ]1. (n.) small piece of card or material attached to product to show name, price etc标签.
8 B" H0 Y0 Q$ Y[同义词]  tag, remark, brand
- m1 u- z# m3 K( Y3 P9 b2. (v.) put a marker on a product贴标签
# C; n) L" y1 p. T. @[例]  The right products are all labeled with the capital letter “ R”. * l" `8 ^5 S! k% o  o; o/ d
  8 g, Z% U- g$ N( d' \' @) A6 A
labour [5leIbE(r)] (n.) work劳动(力) + n5 B- S! L2 P. P/ P
[例]  With the economy development we should change the labor-intensive economy to a capital-intensive one.  
: L4 e6 f7 u% Z* Z+ T* _  
8 k8 Q' u! I# @8 X  Q6 Vlabour market (n.) supply of workers available to work 劳动市场
0 }, G4 q) ]3 W6 {+ ?) e. [  
; |% G: B5 d5 x. x1 O8 Wlabour relations (n. pl) relations between management and workers劳资关系 # V$ o, Q% F; [/ N7 }7 Z2 v3 r) M. e
  + f% q- N4 W9 J6 \. F
labour shortage (n.) situation where there are not enough workers劳动力短缺 ; }: W! m% R2 T- |
[例]  There is no easy solution to Japan’s labour shortage. ( a- l6 B' D1 j
  % u+ c1 X8 b4 I
laptop (n.) notebook便携式电脑
8 |0 h$ W3 u- h2 m/ o' @  0 ^, e( I" |: o. N
laser printer 激光打印机 , ^; _: j) w4 c
  3 J7 w8 k0 K0 T
launch [ lC:ntF, lB:ntF ]1. (v.) introduce a new product on the market 投放 & S6 F, {" `: S+ J- a
2. (n.) introduction of new product投放 & x# u7 l6 `/ F9 J4 P# ?9 j# w/ V
[例]  The launch of the new product was very successful.

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