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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十三

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
jurisdiction [ 7dVuEris5dikFEn ] (n.) legal power权限
1 h+ g0 B5 g2 x[例]  They have the jurisdiction to supervise you. 9 O( n% g( V& k
[同义词]  authority ' X7 q4 t5 \8 F$ j
7 |! i. |% D* m! o9 T! o6 @just-in-time (n.) system to keep inventory at minimum level by having material arrive at each operation just in time to be used零库存管理
& A! ~2 h+ b0 m9 m6 W2 W* L[例]  Just-in-time system reduces the cost of stock and increases the flexibility of management.
) G5 Z! @' Y; J5 F* h, I5 N' H) U0 v! g+ a' P9 h

6 [. B' |8 K+ _  M; d, lK
9 B6 i) T( ?' ]key [ ki: ] (adj.) important, main重要的,主要的 3 }. F+ b( a6 i$ |/ W, F
[例]  This client is a key account;key points
. [, P% [7 }/ V; f6 k0 p1 G  
4 Z( N) l4 n% p! q% m) Zkickback (n) a return of a percentage of a sum of money already received, typically as a result of pressure, coercion, or a secret agreement 回扣 ( ]& W. E: t5 O! H) x. Q& L% R
[例] He was charged with receiving kickbacks from local businessmen.
0 s6 w- L; z0 E) K1 L  ) Z% G  u0 ^4 ?2 j& u; ?
knockdown [ 5nCk5daun ] (adj.) (of prices) very low(价格)极低的
3 a% l1 j' {- d: F# ^  l. u[例]  You buy the right for its knockdown price. & z4 t0 |6 x& O8 K9 O
  9 B% t5 ^$ |) f( u
knowhow/know-how (n.) knowledge about how something works, expertise专有知识
5 ]+ k) t  Q) N' V6 l1 X[例]  She is such a quick learner that she has grasped all the knowhow of her job in just 2 weeks.
+ {# r; ?1 w, F9 T4 _- k[同义词]  expertise

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