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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Useful phrases實用短語  
5 R; `  ]! p: Z- H1.One of our clients has asked us to obtain …  3 N; T2 y" e/ @* n5 @/ y
本公司客戶要求獲得…  % B0 _6 N* ]1 z6 t/ M9 @( V; \2 V6 J
2. We will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence.  0 ?/ {7 u. ]/ j5 j
, V! z: {1 T# z2 h, K2 a0 [0 b" \3. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.  
+ r# H! Z! l( S. E此事一經同意,本公司將立即開立以貴公司為收款人的信用證.  
) v/ d$ m7 g  o; y7 ]- r=====================================  . a. K+ N- N  m* s
7 n- }4 R8 t8 {3 ~1.State the request and identify the product  
" E; O2 ?% w: Y' P, y0 Y# M; f& w告知請求和有關的產品.  
: C  K1 m$ {2 W6 n0 v! Z$ U2 ^4 y2.Give details of the proposed order and the reasons for requesting the pro forma invoice  ! Z0 w& O7 l, ^) q' E5 {; g. V
: q. f! k/ T: W7 g9 t# ~3.Add any other details and state the proposed method of payment  
" a! G1 I  r0 j" e. B7 X附加其他資料和列明暫擬的付款方法.  % ^* J! [& `$ A, o/ C; ~6 b
==================================    @5 j# w( R& B: w/ R
Alternative phrases  
' Z% l6 v; e2 HOne of our clients has asked us to obtain a pro forma invoice for the following product:  ' V: |6 L: v4 u& c4 W5 N4 x* t4 p
(One of our customers has asked us to get…)  ) [5 `7 H/ A1 X2 _: w
Lion Brand Nail Clippers Model 21 chrome plated.  
4 p" q  E. f6 A8 _* v3 d& \. G, Z6 g/ X( [. k& i
Please send us your pro forma invoice in triplicate for 500 dozens of the above product as soon as possible so that we can get our client’s confirmation.  
6 U) P& h' O- x: M& Q# m5 U0 f3 r2 a4 r(Please send three copies of your pro forma invoice …)  
! i" a- d& @! B4 RWe will have to no problem in obtaining the import licence. As soon as this is approved, a letter of credit will be opened in your favour.  ; w6 \7 b9 h. @- P
(We will not encounter any difficulty in…)  
& H  Z" [0 Q- Y) C  O  U===========================================  
2 Y* i( Q+ o, \* \Comments評注  ; n" S1 z. p2 ?' h2 e6 @, c
A pro forma invoice is not a request for payment. It is a simple way of showing a potential customer what an order is going to cost. It makes the vendor go through the actual process of costing the order. In this case the pro forma invoice is required for a third party. A dozen(12) is still a quantity often used by some traders. A gross(144) is also used, but less frequently.  : p# v9 F; G3 `; M' A6 G% s2 ]2 X
# R' ^# @( n$ B% q
) D1 K/ i: \: p8 Y(6)Sending a pro forma invoice  
* D8 p; [  ]+ F/ k  \* N+ ?2 pDear Mr Khayam,  5 {) Q3 T, e+ g( |! Z- o
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in triplicate.  
  d/ _( h% t' b9 f5 O4 k& c# a
2 q. }9 g0 x" t+ `$ _For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.  
1 g$ ~& c9 X. X/ B; y7 Q
; m; k# m$ q4 v) kWe look forward to hearing from you.  
2 Q4 g% |7 `2 u$ O) A4 `7 j
5 j: s+ B3 i9 V! D: q4 cYours sincerely,  
: k+ H6 Q# m2 ?2 mM T Lui

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


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