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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sending a pro forma invoice  ; Q8 p3 o, Q$ d% p" g# R7 E
寄送形式發票  ( u* w# @1 s0 P0 s0 ~
Dear Mr Khayam,    D2 h( j' w! G! x0 e
哈亞姆先生,  3 f1 y, a+ a# z+ a
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1996, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in triplicate.  
* G" L7 q# o6 X6 U$ G; [* k& I現應1999年7月14日的要求, 謹寄上形式發票一式三份.  3 A) N& a/ d0 S, t2 O' n! }# k* n
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.  
  V& d# M2 Z3 X2 s5 {; `4 J玆奉告本公司的報價一般有效期一周.另因本公司出品的指甲鉗銷路极佳,為免向隅,貴公司宜盡早回復.  
9 j: b+ ?" `1 L8 z# iWe look forward to hearing from you.  
' S6 }4 W5 ?% ~* ]$ S9 I) a, K2 q煩請早日賜復  
$ X# n9 x1 o2 e+ C- c- t; G1 T6 JYours sincerely,  
; v4 h$ T0 L6 ^# G1 C( `  y+ yM T Lui  ; w+ S) {6 c1 {9 h% n7 [* f( j
Export Manager    Q5 ?5 Z+ q: B0 v7 s; P. i
6 V) K( B: G3 k1 S8 U* R=========================================  : b' X2 S% ]* o/ U
Useful phrases實用短語  6 Y5 u$ ^. y2 S5 _1 |% L# W5 k
1. We have much pleasure in sending you…  
, Q, w. t9 |& P謹奉上…  7 g  E6 C2 @  |& ]; y3 \7 T) B- |
2. Our offers usually remain open for about a week  
6 l; ~: m* ]" D3 H/ o. z本公司的報價一般有效期一周    }$ h8 ~/ _$ ?3 A/ c3 O
3. We suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.  ) ?; Q1 e& v. K1 Q4 m
貴公司宜盡早回復  5 [/ T4 X) m/ Z% }- {
8 n4 s" M) ]. s+ ?Notes段意解說  
; N4 y6 x  {. h5 m9 L- F& S$ D/ n1. Identify the request and state what action you are taking.  
- l4 K( v+ B" \; b; h5 b& V3 o確認來函並告知采取的措施  7 X. p8 J* W9 B. `3 O. J/ H
2. Encourage the potential customer to act quickly.  
9 B% u5 j# `' O2 m. y$ J敦促收信人盡早回復  . G+ z: z3 b5 C$ I# t' M& ~
==========================================  9 Q! \$ E9 i! S( y5 l9 Q: v3 F
Alternative phrases替代用語  . f4 v7 v$ S) H* |3 h* `
In reply to: your request , dated 14 July 1999, we have much pleasure in sending you our pro forma invoice in triplicate.  6 a3 X$ c7 N9 {
(In answer to your request of…)  
+ f. k. B# _. K. Q; H+ K  F(…we enclose our…)  2 x) v% w' T4 s0 q" K7 v
For your information , our offers usually remain open for about a week. Seeing that our nail clippers are selling very fast, we suggest that you act on the quotation without delay.  
# X; C, c) H' ^. j# Y' u& N6 G(…our offers are normally firm for…)  " h8 L& p$ ^( {6 i# a8 M3 Q$ i
(Since the product is selling quickly, please respond as soon as possible)  - C- Y( }, J' Q9 Q* A$ F
We look forward to hearing from you.  
5 `0 ?$ |9 @$ ?3 t: X  I7 q( n3 {================================================  * l* n5 @6 L3 ?  p: k2 q- Q
Comments 評注  % o1 T4 U5 O6 q
This is concise response to a request. At the same time it encourages and early reply. The language is rather formal with a few redundant. Set phrases are, however, used; see the phrases on the right for simpler alternative.  
$ Y0 V7 m. c" T3 \/ k! A0 B3 G本信先就來函作簡復,並催促收信人早日回復.文字規範而簡潔
7 g0 p% B5 x7 K) w/ W(7)Offering a substitute  , l! w* W- n: h( I. v( I
Dear Mrs Stones,  
6 Z  p) V" Z( ^7 lThank you for your telex enquiry of 23 September concerning cotton print 634.  
  r1 d. A8 }; \- N- K
) g$ A0 N8 j- }2 [We appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and consequently we regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.  
3 y& b, M# \1 I3 Q) v
  c, x" q$ r# \+ |4 G+ i1 pWe would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer, without engagement, the following material as close substitute.  2 b- X$ r" f8 o$ V& ~" ]

( U6 x8 U) n/ c" |6 s/ b1 z500 pieces cotton print 428 at Us﹩1.5 per metre  + t0 y: t5 U0 e; a) P8 A
CIF New York, including your commission of 2%  
) u+ Z5 r( z: b/ c
# C$ H: g6 u$ Z$ MA sample is enclosed for your reference. If you find the sample acceptable, please telex us as soon as possible.  
+ _. X7 N4 d5 s+ N2 K
2 S6 @3 ~, k; E& W) `4 V2 M  jYour sincerely,  
# l/ H' `' w4 j; iJ S Chowdry  
  N. _. ~8 v: o$ _1 OSales Manager

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