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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析九十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
launder [ 5lC:ndE] (v) to process illegally obtained money, eg by paying it into a foreign bank and transferring it to a local bank 洗钱 % k3 }; m; V5 g3 }- E
[例] He is convinced of laundering money obtained from the sale of drugs.
3 d5 t' g9 H( p+ O  
( e; s0 \1 O! F( f* Play-off/layoff 1. (n.) action of stopping a worker’s employment for a time, especially when there is little work to do临时解雇 7 y9 b/ c8 G# W( ~2 B) ]5 F
[例]  The large scale layoff of this area caused a workers’ strike.
# f# V* d/ X3 v2. (v.) dismiss temporarily临时解雇 , t# }$ m4 B7 g+ x* p8 u
  $ j  w/ @/ a- c; ^& g1 S  m& e# i
layout [ 5lei7aut ] (n.) arrangement of equipment and tools布局,设计 9 D; B6 P# o1 G; B3 z2 W
[例]  They dealt well with the layout of equipment and tools.
' Q+ |- |  i5 i* ?3 m1 V  
6 t! U) ~/ G3 ^$ ~2 |5 O. `' Jlead [ li:d ] (v.) 1. be the first and/or the best领导 ' L# D% q3 T5 S& `* Q- H/ a& _7 R+ v; U
[例]  The company leads the world in design.  
& c! M8 e# b0 F  F8 Z2. manage/direct领导,管理  3 Y5 B- t( S4 S* _( ^* w1 |
[例]  He is well-qualified to lead the team.
! H" Z6 X* Y% `leader [ 5li:dE ] (n.) person who manages or directs领导者 ( Y" A- a$ R0 E
2 K6 C4 e3 d0 H9 nleadership [ 5li:dEFip ] (n.) quality or ability to manage or lead others领导才能
: f' {0 t0 n8 E' g. b[例]  You should possess leadership if you want to pursue MBA. & d) |" o( s/ ^, v! a# N" D
2 e* t! {( U" [) y4 y1 ?5 Mleading [ 5li:diN ] (adj.) having a position in the lead; foremost第一位的,领导性的 0 X- M) c. d( u3 O- u! q: I
[例]  leading banks ) n; X5 b, ~9 _5 P. p9 o
  $ q+ x; f, S! U$ c8 [" X1 G
lead time (n.) time needed to perform an activity产品从订货到交付之间的时间 1 R# v0 \8 K+ M, N% p
[例]  Actually we need a long lead time to perform it.

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