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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Useful phrases
+ ]' k1 j6 G+ E+ z5 c1. We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order.
6 N  S, t( n. |3 g( w2 ~2 u因為存貨短缺,未能供應貴公司所需貨品,特此致歉.
7 W0 t. i" l' M, n2. Our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves. 0 G0 O  i# [6 w/ N
制造商尚未確定原料供應是否充足,所以不能接受其他定單. ! F+ \; z3 R; |6 h: L
3. You can be assure of our best attention at all times. * [! S  `) |! S. Z7 v: A' `
我們樂意隨時效勞. . T: P( W  o2 a& b
=============================== 0 m, M0 }; T  z* s" h6 n2 h. ]( x
Notes段意解說 4 _; m& ]6 Q; b  M. F) ]7 Z  y6 v
1. Identify the reference
0 v9 q5 h: [4 F' z1 k確認有關事項 7 q( Y. B. X2 S
2. Apologize for not being able to accept the order, giving the reason. : r3 E8 Q7 _0 W2 P
2 _+ O9 r# p4 n) k9 t. f, c% [3. Explain the future position and promise to be in touch later.
; Y: @. f4 t) x說明將來的情況,答允保持聯絡 * g. G+ c! H7 `" e% m( t1 b8 T7 p
4. Try to obtain orders for other goods. 9 w0 s, C" R" @0 Z. n
爭取其他訂單 1 f) D8 j& s; `  f7 x2 w, h+ Q% x
=====================================   P, v8 O# P( ^  O+ ^5 S
Alternative phrases ) T( L/ }; F* V& R1 {- T

' B  b1 b  o" U0 HThank you for your order no. 488 for tin plate sheets which we received today.
  U' B  c7 D& C+ ^1 T5 [7 d, ~7 B  _3 }2 f
We regret that, owing to a shortage of stocks we are unable to fill your order. + b) o4 R7 N8 K+ V; L% k: n9 S
(Because of shortage…) 6 g8 d5 X' ]1 y) q6 |
Moreover, our manufacturers can not undertake to entertain your order for future delivery owing to the uncertain availability of raw materials. We will, however, contact you by telex once supply improves. % B! i& R4 I. E* @
(…can not promise to accept your…)
. ?1 s! Y) O0 @  w) g(…because the supply of raw materials is uncertain…) : H0 `, ]% u3 r! _
(…when supply returns to normal.)
  [, `  [- [. QIn the meantime, please feel free to send us your specific enquires for other types of metal sheets. You can be assure of our best attention at all times. # Q" a& _9 P; O, {8 o& z$ R

' N* l! G- ]+ w' [: w(We shall attend to your enquiries promptly
$ @$ a+ ?, T1 V5 U$ l=========================================== / `+ N+ B9 A3 d9 f% P0 D4 m
) m/ Z4 ]# A$ W+ JThe letter states the position clearly and briefly. It gives honest information about future supplies and tries to sell other goods. / q- e0 ], X8 Z" V6 Z

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