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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Canvassing advertisers for a trade directory  
0 t# L! [$ R3 s- ^2 o7 D/ hDear Sirs,  % w7 }  z8 t$ {
Thank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part.  / r8 z+ b- p% W, \( B
We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.  ; h. i2 v/ f4 ~" R: H
For proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.  
9 L# s/ B* ~) k6 a8 I3 @( X1 GYou can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and hardware trades.  
1 W7 U) T3 z8 f' }! e, }Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.  0 e( ]4 c. M2 f% y6 y4 v, t- u
Thanks again for your business.  
6 x# B* i6 j% D7 t+ N7 gYours fainthfully.  + z6 B6 E3 s4 s- O3 X% x
Brian Price  ( L% j" N  w  n
) ]# ?$ j6 \( o) r5 c======================================  8 X# H1 N$ m" t* c& T* O, J
Canvassing advertisers for a trade directory  
8 y- Z2 g3 R/ _+ _: x& c. W/ U為商貿指南兜攬廣告客戶  / w0 }0 e" P. J0 Q3 ?/ a* F
Dear Sirs,  4 T/ c$ M  z8 p$ ]
) `' o9 a) z. I4 r/ y  FThank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part.  
1 t0 N6 \; S' c0 f  i# Y衷心感謝惠顧.貴公司商號已刊登在本公司的商貿指南中.該指南乃唯一覆蓋英國全部建築公司的刊物.在此刊登廣告確是明智之舉.  
- g8 }! @( a( qWe are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.  3 M  t$ U! W+ ~( {
; y# v. U- a7 \* N; nFor proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.  ' a# \- `5 k1 E
7 v! v: `: r" ~) N% WYou can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and hardware trades.  9 |( |( I  A, J. f  C
該指南將分送給所有建築公司和五金器具公司的主管.  ( o/ C) P; ?& C7 ?+ C6 p
Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.  # R; T' j5 y2 V
0 i% t! B* S$ s# v2 b* ^Thanks again for your business.  
' x" ]( u: r  Y# G: k專此盼候佳音.  
% L, A. J  m. b9 UYours fainthfully.  
6 Y8 X# o) }0 @" QBrian Price  ) Y% ]1 p) M  |9 J: n
Manager  4 i, [8 k2 I5 L. i$ G: p
: z% {# N: M; H; a===============================

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


Useful phrases實用短語  5 H, t6 f  ~, n8 Z9 z1 a
1.We are currently compiling a new edition of…  
$ o8 r- E; ]: \0 l( x現在正籌備…  7 Y: e% V8 L0 H
2.For proper coverage…  & b5 ?! l0 W# x" b; m+ `( ^+ T
為達到出色的宣傳效果…  & E" c$ {. @+ W+ o' ]
3.If you do opt for…you will be able to…  # y2 b) a  |, W6 Z+ ^/ }
如蒙惠顧…將可獲…  ! g1 U3 k& I# N1 v4 c- j
4.Please complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.  5 z( v2 z4 u5 d3 b
0 I' b: \7 j8 W0 ]; J( M& o===================================  
: [; T% z6 R/ U" }- ANotes段意解說  
) C& f' }( R; g1 F! t1.Thank the client for his business and describe the circulation of the directory.  
/ l7 n. ]; }" J! M3 S3 |) [7 f, ]感謝客戶惠顧,簡述指南的流通量.  
4 K; O8 F& z3 k! n# ]: Q2.Write about the new edition and the plans for wider circulatin.  
/ M1 v' a0 Y8 r  T告知關於新版籌備工作和擴大流通量之事宜.  
* H4 w3 V/ w" e3.Encourage the client to take more space  
6 y- P$ i6 e, _促請客戶刊登更多的廣告.  % _' t; e" k9 D, p
4.Stress the importance of the people who will get the directory.  . c1 y8 b$ c5 g& G' {) N
強調指南對讀者的重要  0 }& V( y' q. p! y9 K
5.Mention the enclosures  
- N% B# k1 x' ~提及附件  2 n" a+ {. f3 n: C( e
==============================  % y0 M; ~, Y& I2 N; y5 Z4 j
Alternative phrases替代用語  
4 a+ y! b% S& ~9 QThank you for your business. You are currently represented in our directory. This is the only directory of its kind which reaches all companies in the building and construction industry in the UK. Advertising in our directory was a wise move on your part.  ( P: d) H4 J. F! Y: b9 ]. T; d
(At the moment you are listed…)  # }& t# o% u3 B3 |  ^3 t2 N( q( q
We are currently compiling a new edition of the directory which will be published in April 1995. The new edition will be expanded to include major manufacturers of pluming equipment in the European Community.  
4 a$ E& c  y6 s  ?. H(We are putting together…)  
2 S7 a" F$ d% q& ^+ c(Coverage in the new edition will be increased…)  : U  S" [+ J$ v1 o7 s% `4 M- {
For proper coverage in the directory ,you ought to appear in more than one category. If you do opt for a multiple listing, you will be able to buy space in additional categories at half price.  
7 e4 ~0 ~9 b7 r2 G. p! O9 V) F(If you decide on a multiple entry…)  2 L6 S1 R  T' s. M6 {4 {; d9 F
You can be assured that the new edition will be on the desks of all the major decision makers in the building and hardware trades.  
3 S% k" z. l' l: D& k, r(We can assure you that…)  
" u9 b6 i* u- {. DPlease complete the enclosed form and return it with the appropriate fee.  
" b4 P/ ?2 d& F" o4 PThanks again for your business.  
: ?) t, y. H2 D(…and enclose the correct fee.)  
. P; K; B8 B% o3 T8 b/ z  O  v9 h" ^=============================  
0 u9 d7 D$ }, H; W+ k+ |3 `Comments評注  # U; ^4 V+ @% y6 q% i& `
The letter has two main purpose . The first is to keep the client’s business. The second is to try to sell more advertising space. To achieve these aims, the letter stresses the wider circulation of the new edition , the importance of the people who will receive it and the usefulness of multiple listing.  
3 {% c+ B5 k+ U# }  k本信的目的有兩個: 保持與客戶現有的商業聯系和促銷更多廣告版面.因此,本信強調新版擴大發行,讀者包括有關行業的決策人,以及刊登不同類別廣告的優惠.
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