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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A repeat order  
: a6 y2 B( n* w2 _3 G9 \4 KDear Sirs,  
+ {+ v0 n) g, ]- {& e! PWe have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory.  3 I( k9 e5 M' C' S2 s" Q0 ^
4 M' I. M0 L8 l4 i3 ~& V' @( ?
Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and size.  4 Z' {8 u  z& ]- a6 [! Q6 E) u

5 N# y3 n$ k5 T! ]# TWe would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods.  8 y& b3 a2 F7 V3 x

$ l4 ^1 s4 z  O& M7 v& G& rIf the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.  
/ o- P& M; u0 Z  C9 V! v* E
$ B1 i& \' p" L) X" sYours faithfully,  ) r# Q' r8 \+ ^
Fiona Green  
+ q' H# a! |& t% B8 d9 FHead Buyer  $ N. P' P5 v- I4 P+ z- R, |
======================================================  ; C* Q( B% e" {# }7 y
A repeat order  + @, V/ s( q0 |  G7 v
5 e# T/ X) L, TDear Sirs,  - n: ?8 m" s0 t3 r
執事先生,  - O' s6 X" B4 y  b  f8 m: C& }
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory.  * S: I; I7 ?/ ^, o! R' s2 h
本公司憶收到上述由藍海號船載運的貨品, 其質量令人滿意.  3 {  V. Y. J! M$ w
Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and size.  $ a; s8 _2 D, u9 P3 b4 {6 U
* C6 @. H/ |9 O0 F  m8 P/ e! t: lWe would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods.  : u. R* F, n- f
6 v2 j' [; Z0 _5 ]6 Z  W. z/ b9 AIf the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.  
3 O+ s  ^" Q6 v; Z: x貴公司若無此存貨,懇請建議可行的替代品及其資料  2 S1 ]1 S1 t+ b$ ?; {
Yours faithfully,  4 J; q5 W$ x9 m  F, r
Fiona Green  . h* }& G8 C/ q' S
Head Buyer  
/ [: K4 j& d9 C8 y4 t採購部主任  ! }' U6 |8 _+ W7 [, O9 u, n5 @
2 }* g1 U0 i# m  h9 _& VUseful phrases實用短語  6 o$ E5 R9 y" z- R2 E- x
1. We find the goods quite satisfactory.  ' H+ @- A; X- A( s! e9 d
其質量令人滿意.  ; V2 b6 ^& d. c4 R  {' R
2. We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods.  
* n* I9 E$ Z: |. K3 x8 r" H4 u如蒙及早安排裝運此批貨品,以應燃眉之急,本公司將萬分感激.  
2 j* i) A6 a+ O" v! M3. We would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.  
. u0 H4 i2 R: Q) A+ M懇請建議可行的替代品及其資料  
5 P* y' I9 J4 V============================================  ; c( m( k  d  _4 q8 w, W
& N$ Z3 z/ D3 F+ @! ]1. Identify the order and product State what has happened.  1 s4 f% |) [  {/ ?- x) J
確認有關貨品,表示滿意  8 F- x. W( t; f6 Z6 e
2. Give details of the repeat order.  0 U2 \/ Q8 o' Z" ~1 Q
提出要求增訂的原因  ! K$ p4 a( y6 |9 \% S$ e
3. Urge prompt delivery  
1 R# o& l; T# A4 _1 T; n敦促盡早落實訂單  0 C6 n' F6 J! w  ~" s/ j$ L
4. Ask for details of a substitute if you think the goods may not be in stock  5 m/ C- S; P* n4 Q6 Z
2 M# P5 n. M( ^: Q  o* @==============================================  
$ n! x  Z6 p- {/ c  Q* H2 iAlternative phrases替代用語  . }( \+ z$ w7 j1 u4 c% v
We have received the above shipment ex SS Blue Seas and are pleased to inform you that we find the goods quite satisfactory.  
2 h: N8 ^$ s) m* y5 q6 o(The above shipment has arrived safely by SS Blue Seas and we are pleased to say that the goods are satisfied)  / \; ]; f# D7 Q& ?
Since we believe we can sell additional quantities in this market , we wish to place with you a repeat order for 500 dozens of the same style and size.  7 d6 A+ z6 O/ T  k/ K' g8 h
(…sell more of this product…)  8 i5 l' y- o! ~6 d/ ]
We would be grateful if you could arrange early shipment of this repeat order as we are in urgent need of the goods.  ) L8 g( y+ p0 v& h1 m4 r8 A
(…as we need the goods urgently…)  
4 z6 h; a' ~1 r# h4 `If the goods are not available from stock, we would be grateful if you could advise us, with full particulars of the specifications, of replacement goods which can be shipped from stock.  ; L5 g0 I7 C- E! l; D! F: {
(…if you would tell us…)  
/ E" D  U& d; _9 Q================================================  0 E* r2 i0 A2 n
Comments評注  * s' `! u" M- Z  O$ O3 F; M
The supplier will be pleased by the complimentary tone of this letter. As a result. , s/he will do the best to oblige the purchaser by responding promptly.  , U1 u! X. \, S! ]9 q. f) T  Y

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