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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信十八

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Selling more to a steady customer  % V3 Z. ~0 h( K' ?$ h+ c; q
Dear Sirs,  
( O7 Y; v' `- t8 JI enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock.  / u3 `1 Y1 G& t8 W
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.  
" o1 H. H/ e5 nWe believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your market.  + k# J* b) V* A- s- q- z" L* D7 R$ n
Once you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.  . _& @0 O! m5 L% [
For your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the North American market.  " P' G# z9 j8 t$ x! {  B# A) n
We will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.  3 H2 m8 W& T# v
Yours faithfully,  
: J' Z( g4 h9 x5 }9 [$ K) J0 T, [+ GPeter Reeve  6 `6 V: P7 u6 F$ B5 ?
Export Manager  * M1 k+ [) u4 w& m! N
, y5 g! C# C# Q0 d9 o) qSelling more to a steady customer  
* m. w* A2 U% }. T7 @* F1 G+ A: C: u向長期客戶推銷新產品  : \. l# q4 z4 `
Dear Sirs,  ( {1 X3 X6 p; [% a0 w+ J' ]
採購部主管,  " [9 U7 W# g5 ]5 h
I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock.  ; d6 r7 Q" s  }
隨函寄奉配有插圖的商品目錄附頁,介紹最新設計的產品.  & _/ Q4 }7 N" \) n" s3 Q8 t. @
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.  . {' `& v# A0 H# Y
# @8 V- Z& B* m2 r2 k2 ?. iWe believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your market.  
0 q" d" Y9 ]2 H/ v3 w) G最新設計的產品巧奪天工,定能吸引顧客選購.  
( e, f5 ~* m1 M/ E& S! POnce you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.  
- w( h& _; \) T5 V! D煩請參閱上述附頁,若需查看樣本,請賜復,本公司樂意效勞.  $ ]' J; {  l, U' C: f- F
For your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the North American market.  
+ ~  n8 z2 ^& r2 ]6 G/ A, q. y' b$ T1 g本公司現正設計一系列款式古典的英國餐具,適合北美市場需求.如感興趣,亦請賜知.  
/ C& u3 Q9 D5 ^& P" o8 qWe will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.  
2 y+ }& `. R3 x- N% C* p願進一步加強聯系,並候復音.  
0 \: x% b. M$ t4 q) P6 I- W$ Q0 oYours faithfully,  0 I& p2 K- v1 z1 K, u' Z% T3 i
Peter Reeve  
! E& [; A& I! dExport Manager  - x0 H) M2 j; ~# {: Q% u. K
出口部經理  5 x& Z+ q8 v5 q7 V
============================================  5 `9 z2 L: F) T6 f9 ^$ A6 W  p
Useful phrases 實用短語  
  D; s& f: [1 n6 i$ o6 P1.We believe that you will find our new designs most attractive.  # d; `0 a  r8 ~' G' O# K
, p/ s2 c& r! j. N/ @: w, F2 V/ d2.Please let us know if you would like to take the matter further.  ! h1 n1 h( \& V! Y1 ?" Y# r0 K& n
( T, p8 r4 o3 c0 x! m3.For your information…  
, I/ M- M8 z# {如感興趣,亦請賜知.    {- e" N1 Q5 x% s
4.We will keep you informed on our progress.  
# R: F& R: W: b' j% h$ T; y% f願進一步加強聯系…  
; f% d5 {+ {: G+ a& B========================================

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


Notes 段意解說  
# h, X( k* K9 }8 E1.Refer to the enclosure  
  [% `) ~" m+ g  s1 e: |提及附件  ' `) C  u7 l+ v" \) F
2.Thank the company for their business  0 U9 p+ c4 \% D, a' Z4 B) q4 ?
! ]- ~; G! Q4 v; A3 ~3.Refer to the new products  % _" ]: H# W' T  H2 M- V
" `# J! ~; |# [1 u4.Offer further service.  
# H# s9 n1 F$ Q1 j提供進一步服務.  ; y4 k* U% A  s) N) x' `
5.Describe future development.  ' |- U; [( C' o: {$ N5 E2 \
簡述未來發展.  5 h+ M  ]# h3 L2 Y- v! p4 a% K
=========================================  ; u0 ^! J0 |; F( s1 o
Alternative phrases 替代用語  ! K- w6 A$ H  z! l, A) y
I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock.  
  ], K( ^2 ~  B  H' x% v/ H4 O(Please find enclosed…)  ; N8 {+ E  C, E" w, S7 t  H& X
We are most gratified that you have, for several years,included a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogues. The resulting sales have been very steady.  2 V5 v; [$ N0 g) Y" D, q+ H3 ]
(We are very pleased…)  6 L7 S4 A. ~. O, a
(We sales that have resulted…)  9 k) P3 b8 ]" ?: K+ |$ j2 {
We believe that we will find our new designs most attractive . They should get a very good reception in your market.  
3 e4 R) u; _, z- c" h9 G# {(We think that…)  ' |: M' t) i" K& T
(There should be a good market for them in you country)  
4 B4 r2 q; n0 p: F6 b, BOnce you have had time to study the supplement ,please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.  : b' ]2 L4 B2 H0 w- q2 J1 I
(When you have looked at…)  
6 w+ u3 o7 N2 Q, \, Z8 C( SFor your information ,we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the North American market.  
; x3 J* f+ D& {: p  X  m; a(…which should sell well…)  
% `# s5 a) E3 x8 g; L% c% YWe will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.  1 [" _" {' ^! _: K) p
=============================================  . S8 x+ G/ r6 E3 _/ B2 I4 Z
) n6 @. [: M( f3 e3 M6 b# bThe vendor already sells to the recipient of the letter. He is now supporting the existing sales and trying to encourage an expansion in business. The letter’s main purpose is to maintain the recipient’s interest in the vendor’s products and keep him informed of developments.  & [% R8 P4 {3 b; A4 _
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