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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零二

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
magazine [ 7mA^E5zi:n ] (n.) regular news or special interest publication often printed on glossy paper with many photographs杂志
- A+ H+ p5 m; y/ k7 d/ Y2 O0 ~  0 u( s, f( n1 |1 p6 |. x* C* K
mailshot (n.) direct mailing related to a particular product or service邮寄广告 $ C4 H0 s6 h! J) m% z% O3 ~5 N
[例]  The mailshot really interests those well-off families.
' r+ m& c3 `' M1 u: e0 ]  
$ {# _7 m3 o% M* H; p* t2 Emaintain [ men5tein ] (v.) keep going维持
: d8 q, M5 @8 m  P. d. X[例]  We must maintain our market share.
. ?% \5 u3 v6 E# g8 v[同义词]  keep up, retain, conserve 6 M# t0 V+ T- A2 L5 I" \
  " x! e: d8 C; v- }: g$ O- E, M9 i
maintenance [ 5meintinEns ] (n.) keeping things working维持
$ g. h; s* D* s9 R( D' b[例]  The after-sales team work on maintenance of the products. + C! B  M0 L! Q# p# I9 K
[同义词]  conservation, preservation, upkeep ( W) W0 U; F1 b$ ~; x# N
2 I, u/ w9 N( y) Rmajor [ 5meidVE ] (adj.) important, bigger, biggest主要的 & {3 }, [9 M# q
[例]  The major shareholder has 35% of the shares.
4 a9 A0 s' t! ^0 N6 y& k: r[同义词]  chief, main, supreme
2 b( ?; r# C- x) V" l2 U0 d  6 z# M- Y9 w, `
majority shareholding more than 50% of the shares主要股权,大股东  ! H) _5 ]! K, f( O% N, N3 h
" n' a' _1 ^4 A3 |% W( G. x! kmake [ meik ] (n.) brand or type of product品牌
/ b( Z- E- ~1 {* J4 T% M: t[例]  a famous make of shirt.
0 ?+ [9 c* V* E+ H  D$ ~9 _: O0 ], ^[同义词]  brand, model 5 O, R+ v- P- |# {8 i7 m( f; i5 @  s
' i6 l& i% P# Z5 X) f( Emanage [ 5mAnidV ] (v.) control and be in charge of管理
- W7 `- W$ l1 Y# L, t[例]  to manage a sales office : q+ e& P9 I9 s; b" w  T$ j. F
[同义词]  administer, direct, run
! ^  F7 T; i$ j- ?1 H/ U7 q  
# c) e( R( t$ |/ Y2 `management [ 5mAnidVmEnt ] (n.) 1. controlling and running a business or part of a business管理 9 n$ N5 `0 T5 y6 h" n: {, d$ \
[例]  management by objectives 3 D/ p% ]/ a" B5 x
2. group of people who control an organization管理层 , X; R4 t9 B" N5 A( W: \0 k: x
[同义词]  executive, board, directors

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