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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
logo [ 5lC^Eu ] (n.) design or group of letters used by a company as a distinguishing mark徽标,标识
0 X* u1 a* b; \, h! S  q5 z: D7 K[例]  You can withdraw money through ATMs with our bank’s logo. 2 f8 l* h. ~* W" T7 |5 W
. L* ~" q8 G  x0 Q* q4 o7 @log on =log in to enter into a computer the information required to begin a session 登录
7 e2 Q; f5 A& M9 ~) d  $ y5 i) b4 M0 O/ g9 G) C) r+ }
lose [ lu:z ] (v.) not make a profit损失
9 H# t+ t1 _! |$ U[例]  We are losing money.
: X. g3 c: t, h& U  % G, ], S. v) Q0 ?& l3 J7 u
loss [ lCs ] (n.)损失
6 U( ~5 W  X' r1 v9 t[例]  Their company suffered loss in business last year.
* |" w7 L+ z- [[同义词]  damage, harm
% _5 Q9 I: s' C1 h! E$ b  8 k# C: s4 B! L( I  S
lot [ lCt ] (n.) group of items一批产品 # N. R1 u" i# h' H
[例]  Can you offer us another lot? " \4 r4 q/ Z, f6 @
[同义词]  collection, batch, set 8 o+ J( G+ m' T- S
* V9 W- V+ P9 i* e3 i/ B( K- }# }2 yloyalty [5lCIEltI] (n.) sense of belonging and trusting忠诚
1 L: }2 l- p4 L0 ~/ ~7 g# G[例]  customer loyalty
7 u4 f  y* m: R' ^8 g[同义词]  allegiance, faithfulness, fidelity : v6 A: c$ \2 G$ c  Q9 Q+ J) g
! u7 P) U) r8 {0 q6 ^9 Llucrative [ 5lu:krEtiv, lju:- ](adj.)有利的; profitable 赚钱的 6 W* K1 \: }6 d% j2 K' k
[例]  a lucrative business / ^& x  J1 c4 F2 \
  9 P5 G. W2 Q7 M* E8 D
lump sum  a single sum of money that serves as complete payment一次付的款额, 一次付清
# q& H6 W, |$ A, \) c! U! t) Z) R[例]  The lump sum for that payment comes to 20 m dollars.

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