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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
up market (adj & adv.) luxury end of the market高端市场的 % n2 l" K" _! g. _& q1 j
4 u6 b$ n: s! ~# _( a* xdown market (adj & adv) cheep end of the market低端市场的
) x  J4 T. M' K' y4 {2 g9 h0 ?' S* P  7 ?8 }& |8 v: X' R, U2 z8 u
master production schedule (n.) document which shows what a company expects to manufacture生产计划表[例]  You can find out what this company expects to manufacture in its master production schedule. . f8 ~4 O, w1 Z* V# `% y  J
  6 I2 Q  d) F' T5 E0 t# R
material requirements planning (MRP) (n.) technique to calculate the materials which will be needed材料需求计划
9 Z# q( ^6 J0 q6 [0 p" n  - Z( H1 e; _; \8 M, |, t8 Y& N
synthetic materials (n) man-made materials 人工合成材料 - o1 u' y, K% u( x& P& O3 _5 c
[例] It hope to be making 200 million of its synthetic corks a year by the end of the decade. # O! a) r) ~* r9 |7 x5 l# r3 Z
  ( n& B. ]0 K+ U! K+ y8 L, |( f
materials handling (n.) efficient movement of materials from one part of the factory to another材料运转管理[例]  This enterprise has an efficient material handling ability.   z3 P2 z' [3 B2 t7 y) O+ U
3 i& n0 M; p& o$ lmaternity leave (n) time off work allowed by law to a woman for her birth-giving 产假
* J5 {: v; X2 l: ~& d[例] She is now on her maternity leave and will be back in office next month. " ?+ K2 A, o0 n# ^# h8 o0 i3 _) E1 Y  R
6 \6 F$ b7 X2 r: J& X1 pmatrix management (n.) management system under which a manager has to report to two bosses in different parts of the organization距阵管理系统 1 o! c* F* Q0 o4 z
[例]  Nowadays matrix management is very popular among companies. ' [7 J- |/ [# y4 O
  m; E7 Z3 F! D5 t. ]/ x2 }- Tmature (v) due for payment到期  1 U" E& B  l: V; v& P
[例] The insurance policy matures on the 3rd, March.
0 W* I3 ?* m: O5 S" G* o) U; z[同义词]expire , due  3 m0 j- F- R: q4 h, Z
* `  N- S1 t# n( [0 ?! i( `  
1 t5 M! |$ ^7 _+ S7 i7 w2 qmaximize [ 5mAksmaiz ] (v.) make as large as possible最大化
+ O* O" r' C# y9 j1 Z0 r2 D[例]  Each businessman wants to maximize his profits.
4 p# Q& u7 L# E6 ?0 Q- p1 Q+ J  2 P1 W8 x# x! b' h) g. I
MB ( megabyte= 1,048,576 bytes) 兆字节 : E! [) p; v; l: D! j: c' s  z
[例] Join Yahoo membership now! You will get a 6 MB free mailbox immediately.

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