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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
make-to-order (adj.) referring to products which are made after receipt of the customer’s order + n0 u, [" l  J7 U( M# d& D( b
8 \' t0 y3 o2 L" }  `make-to-stock (adj.) referring to products that are made before a customer order is placed; ‘off-the-shelf’
8 ~' K$ d/ m6 J' |- p( {) s  . U& Z3 }/ w8 I/ Z% {' ~% L6 u$ V
manning [ 5mAniN ] (n.) organization of workers needed for a job人员配备 , }/ v) x* q  ~, B/ b- B
[例]  Manning refers to a specific organization of workers need for a job.
7 F! Y4 X3 g' r5 W2 S( Q) R! k8 g  
8 f1 ^- ]3 P$ @9 q9 t; Omarkup [`mB:kQp] (n.) amount added to the cost price to reach the sale price加价,毛利 $ Z/ w5 m' F2 ]; f; q
[例]  the retailer’s mark-up , A! F' N9 j0 Z! W
  9 Y+ h& h. r: O. R' }/ i
market (n.) 1. place where a product can be sold市场
' x  b; ^+ j; d4 o. [[例]  Our company has occupied the biggest market shares in the similar productions. ; F1 B6 a# Y3 _% o4 [) K; [, H0 m
[同义词]  market-place, mart, bazaar
7 e; b  o  B1 ]4 [0 W" g* `$ R6 [2. possible sales of a product销售. 8 c1 }& i" ^  n1 {. w# k
(v.) to sell 销售market one’s products
4 a0 I8 v( B4 T( C. H7 Z  
% I& n$ @$ \. X# x; q* emarket leader dominant company in the market市场领导者 ( l/ E& s  U# ]( Y' z
) @' u5 U' M+ g1 S& ~; Hmarket niche A focused, targetable part of a market
- d9 b3 K1 G" p  R  v  2 d5 ]- [, B; i) V6 g! n; Y! `' C
marketing mix (n.) combination of different marketing elements such as price, promotion, product, etc.销售组合
) G( x  n* S8 a1 G  a  d  
" M  U. R: E3 |4 Wmarket penetration (n.) amount a product sells in a market畅销度
) n9 e; D* C$ c/ r  
5 k( m; g7 X, X& Y/ bmarket segmentation (n.) division of the market into consumer groups市场分割
& e$ ]! c5 a/ }) @  
5 L" P5 U# E' `" fmarket share`(n.) percentage of a total market which one company or product holds市场占有率

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