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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百一十一

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
net [ net ] (adj.) after all deductions have been made净的 7 D4 ^0 d. \6 _; p
[例]  net profit  
+ G; g! \) G* E  4 o1 h7 s4 h7 E# c& w8 H
network [ 5netwE:k ] (n.)net of relations 关系网络
" f" Z8 }' V  K7 s[例]  set up the network for his future business
% a$ L: b( a; P& O/ A: A0 B  
# t  \9 ^* u' N' ynominate (v) 1.to propose by name as a candidate, especially for election 提名
3 l: \, f" Z- ~4 N: r[例]All board members nominated David for the president.
+ N: G6 B  x$ C5 j9 t2.to designate or appoint to an office, a responsibility, or an honor 任命
8 y3 X/ s% A+ p. Z7 P% d6 \( F8 e! L[例] He was nominated by the selection board as area manager directing the sales in North China.   {( d) h9 Z$ D3 x
[同义词] appoint : r9 g/ J8 W! \$ V$ |/ a8 t0 R
- r% Z* D/ O* G7 Z8 Enon-negotiable (adj) 1. can’t be changed or discussed 不可改变(商量)的
! z+ m8 |, _0 a[例] The terms in the contract are all by agreement of two parties and is non-negotiable.
+ I8 N! Q% b6 `& ~' L" ?1 P2.can’t be exchanged for money 不可转让的
& f* Q0 b4 f$ ]7 v% Q[例] This is a non-negotiable cheque. , B1 M, j- z% c
, q5 p) _8 d& h+ Z% V# cnosedive (v) a sudden, swift drop or plunge 猛跌
: |+ v2 h' h# l2 F/ G9 _! c2 K[例]Stock prices took a nosedive.  ! K  G0 }- {3 ^7 I% `; ?
[同义词] plummet
  V- f! }+ J4 V/ Z6 i  
7 o( q* k/ }& v( Lnotice [ 5nEutis ] (n.) 1. information about something that will happen通知 ) _/ j% @1 I- |+ P  ?9 p7 A
[例]  The workers gave the management 24 hours’ notice of the strike.  : \  E8 }' \+ U5 X; j, q
2. information that a person will leave his employment (voluntarily or not)辞职通告
. ~0 D6 I7 ^# @4 L/ w1 g3 `9 O9 i[例]  I’ve heard that three more are going to give in their notice in May. ' W1 ~2 g5 m: ~3 t
  4 t' r* b+ O6 X3 ^7 u: B
null and void (adj) without legal force 无效的
4 {2 @! Q" |- ^" ~# C2 Z/ x6 U1 O% Q[例]The lease contract matured last Saturday , so it is now null and void.  , _: l( w1 R! r' }  P5 l8 w7 W
[同义词] invalid

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