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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百零九

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
MIS (management information system)管理信息系统  4 `: b( v; c2 G3 Y+ q! x- J' E" W; O
[例] MIS is now applied widely in cooperation management in China. ' ?8 \- _1 t$ t( G' w
  6 x* Z1 P# v% A
mission [ 5miFEn ] (n.) long-term objectives and philosophy of a company使命 / L' R3 \$ F5 i" y& O
[例]  mission statement 7 s6 ]4 F& o: N
[同义词]  duty, task, assignment 9 v& R9 ^" u' m$ Z& G
* @6 J1 o' W: o; zmodel [ 5mCdl ] (n.) a style or design of an item型号,式样 % e5 P1 f3 D+ c$ e6 a* o
[例]  Look at our latest models. 7 f/ A! i  \. [  [
: g: n! f! W, A/ y2 dmonopoly [ mE5nCpEli ] (n.) market situation where one company is the only supplier of a product or service垄断 * t  \+ B- J0 i" U- L9 c  x2 b
[例]  The famous multi-national company was sued for its monopoly selling policy. - D! R; O+ s; u8 s' ?6 T9 w  ?
[同义词]  control, domination, exclusiveness 2 j8 l2 M8 u" ?+ Z
* S4 f; j  }0 ^8 \. }+ L) \4 Lmoratorium [ 7mCrE5tC:riEm ] (n) an authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation, permitting temporary suspension of payments 延期偿还
% R4 q2 q/ t+ g9 U5 e5 @0 r5 W$ B[例] We will seek a moratorium if our financial situation can’t be ameliorated.
7 r% O# o9 h- `/ }! \- _8 l- l  : o8 u# [) D8 d! }- E4 Q. D  }
mortgage [ 5mC:^idV ]1. (n.) contract for loan to buy a property using the property as security抵押
( _$ ?; `1 ]: P4 Y. v, a/ z" F2. (v.) obtain a loan with a property as security抵押 8 ^% R& }$ c: Z' i& e  c
[例]  The house is mortgaged. 6 _$ O9 n4 m2 G, x* l. V( r1 V8 f5 R
  2 C2 \; k) e& G- l$ U
motivate [ 5mEutiveit ] (v.) give someone a reason or incentive for doing something激励 0 r' P5 G) Q4 s5 x
[同义词]  prompt, impel, stimulate # z  n5 ~/ M3 I
. \0 V( ~  X1 ~' r; i1 w0 I3 \motivated [ 5mEutiveitid ] (adj.) encouraged被激励的 " A# `- ?4 H, l: q/ J
[例]  They are motivated to work hard for high salary.

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