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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Refering a customer elsewhere  4 X# G. O/ G3 r( I  b
Dear sirs,  7 `( S5 j% ?2 i3 o0 x' P7 d) k& ^! W
Thank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.  
6 g  J. }/ J8 n/ G! r' R. cWe regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.  . a! {7 o" |$ a8 \4 x
We can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.  6 a9 [8 E$ A2 t: T
Swan Textile Corporation  8 c# B3 K2 Q  H7 u  m# [
The Industrial Zone  
& d6 _: x; W8 I5 P$ Z) o; @Shekou  9 u/ x. I2 L3 P( Z
We supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination. Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with them.  " @' ~: [( l( n
We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.  
, i# r- V# c, {# s# m; mYours faithfully,  
5 v0 m8 ~% s2 c+ W# jC C Ho  
8 q! u, h+ ~: I' F' s% e7 g1 M+ hManager  : a- b  w4 t, J+ }; G; X4 d/ I
' r1 `0 F6 |. Y) [/ Y7 I4 fRefering a customer elsewhere  
( `3 S7 k3 U( ?% N; {4 @" S5 w) V請客戶征詢其他公司  
$ j+ Q( h  Z; fDear sirs,  6 d) r0 F" K; A- K+ D7 v) S" {4 X/ _
: M: W6 W( n- NThank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.  $ w0 t/ b' E2 Q/ x# K1 v2 S$ r. D
& N: L, c7 C. V9 t- q7 k; @We regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.  8 ?- S7 C, e, I! \
( e$ z! W/ f9 XWe can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.  $ D- G3 ]9 B# w: R* x9 [" ~
然而,本公司樂意推荐本地一家生產優質男裝的工廠,相信可按貴公司設計的款式制造符合歐洲最高標準的服裝:  0 ?% ~! P, a1 \8 i3 c4 y
Swan Textile Corporation  
4 e" r- _& d( j5 mThe Industrial Zone  ' o0 q4 }: m4 T, [( W; e. y$ B
Shekou  5 f8 X% {% ^7 \
蛇口工業區 天鵝紡織品公司  + D6 J0 ?3 d1 U7 v, t; ^6 ]: |; x
We supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination. Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with them.  
- g. x( T$ r, x6 E該廠的絲綢布料全由本公司供應.隨函附上樣本以供查閱,如貴公司認為適合,本公司樂意負責供應所需布料.  0 e- g3 M; u: Q/ E6 |
We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.  
5 H3 k7 f4 T' W% C願上述資料對貴公司有所幫助.謹祝生意興隆,事事順達.  8 u. i9 u, `6 b! I7 F5 Y+ N
Yours faithfully,  1 w- b: X% m( R2 P
C C Ho  ' K5 l4 O4 t3 a( w/ w* D) x! L
Manager  / q% X! J  ?( F/ x$ M- Y* C" U

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


  }6 J. D" h& L- Q1 Y: X+ a" |Useful phrases 實用短語  
" G) n! Y: ]9 f, a5 V1.Thank you for your enquiry of …concerning  : {- y" V7 Y; v: u% v) b
謝謝..月..日來函查詢…  + l  g+ j% e0 `7 S% q
2.We regret to say that we do not manufacture  , z9 M" O2 B) `
沒有制造…,因而未能接受貴公司訂貨,謹表示萬分歉意  ' S  Y8 S. _1 w% O: H  G/ `
3.We can , however, recommend…  0 K9 Z9 ]$ q2 p0 f* {+ r0 I
然而,本公司樂意推荐…  9 L. D0 P" `" X+ N. U
4.Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products…  . w- T- \0 |+ Z$ U
% g' D2 K0 H3 j# m: K. K3 s5.We hope that this will be of help to you.  
; U( j& D7 E6 S4 j6 l1 `, V" U願上述資料對貴公司有所幫助  ) J( a* ~. j# I' ]& a
==================================  ) _, R- Y; Y5 {9 q: n; t
Notes段意解說  ) {5 }: ]; A& Q, h9 z( Q4 M
1.Identify the enquiry  
1 o9 B, b+ T+ P4 \確認來函  
4 ~3 l" B/ S% u" T2.State why you can not supply the goods.  
' u& {+ F) E- R' U解釋未能落實客戶需求的原因.  9 x+ `* y  N) c, E
3.Recommend a factory that can supply the goods.  2 j& R0 \/ P# o! |
  n, P5 ^4 P) v7 @! Y4.If possible,obtain a share of the business.  : q6 }1 d4 e* _: |* J" W  {
盡可能促銷產品,參與合作.  # J: e$ e2 L! b
5.End with a friendly message.  1 F" d- U7 \. B( _1 Q) Z  i
以祝頌語收結.  7 f% l1 g8 c! n. O% V! K0 j
=================================  # d* Y8 Z) r+ ]7 A
Alternative phrases 替代用語  
& K/ G, {% @) DThank you for your enquiry of 5 May concerning silk blouses.  8 p# b  _" B8 _! ]
(We refer to…)  " n  T' W: ^2 F7 y3 ?+ h% x7 p3 x, x8 k
We regret to say that we do not manufacture finished apparel. Our factory products only silk cloth which we sell to textile merchants and clothing manufacturers.  
# M3 ~4 P& M" `(We are sorry,but…)  * I+ j  |, s! `4 M- N- L
We can , however, recommend a factory here that produces high quality silk apparel and would be able to manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards.  5 ^# X( t) _: L$ R" ~9 ]) ]2 X  D4 C
(We would,however, like to suggest…)  
0 t- q$ p8 G6 x+ a9 y6 V1 PSwan Textile Corporation  8 v+ y0 e+ e( r7 {: k4 n
The Industrial Zone  $ b: j7 E( N7 M4 J  i
4 s( K& i" o# B3 qWe supply the factory with all their silk materials. I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination. Should you desire any of these samples made up into finished products, we can supply the Swan factory with them.  ! B; Y: c3 p" u4 ]3 s5 V  U
(I enclose samples of…)  
& ]7 N. D- r/ h9 [- MWe hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every success in your business dealings.  
; ?# e& Y/ w: Z(We are pleased to be of assistance…)  + {8 @' e6 ]% b/ k
==========================================  ) Q) i0 s$ |* K( L9 O

% X7 E: U9 ^6 v3 qComments評注  + [4 P, L% ]  |
The letter sets out to assist the prospective purchaser by suggesting a supplier. At the same time, it tries to win a share of the business. The purchaser will be grateful for the help given. The inclusion of samples might lead to sales by the silk company.  3 R8 X6 I8 Y: k  U" z3 v. ^
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