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[综合辅导] 2012国际商务师考试辅导:商务书信二十四

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Answering a thank-you letter  
; p( e. C3 n1 j. [Dear Mr Hussein,  0 y6 \, l* j, R' b1 o; w
( e1 M8 a( c. C1 o: N
We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.  ( T& r& }2 o4 ?

' `, j# e; P! `. |$ ?; TWe are now in our fifth year of operation, and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installations.  1 f6 V6 m6 B2 E1 C. n

( t0 m% T1 e; f, C+ `5 @We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.    @" K$ f/ d: a$ ^$ x* ~$ S

8 f7 S7 K1 d. L, L2 x3 ]" AIf we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.  ( ]$ r4 f; P6 |2 ?3 x, W
/ B( p% k9 Z  q! r) J. x  Q
Yours sincerely,  
6 `9 b# i0 c/ F0 A; _' sGrant Benson  , @- X" Q. x( X
Chief Engineer  
- o: s1 V& Q! s5 d, H: Q==============================================  
% @" ?* j# j2 W( J8 tAnswering a thank-you letter  
) g2 r/ k+ a( D, f* _% }. l* |回復感謝信  9 x; O5 ?) `& ?7 r) T
Dear Mr Hussein,  2 _+ U. y# M- {0 C; X
候賽因先生,  . q4 G# Q; U; Y$ S* f! _
We greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.  
6 g) j2 a" W5 Z$ o6 G承蒙來信贊揚本公司提供的空調維修工程服務,欣喜不已.  # j; n9 f4 v( \0 p8 f% s! I
We are now in our fifth year of operation , and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installations.  ' s: c9 T6 N. C3 r$ d
五年前開業至今,屢獲客戶來函嘉獎,本公司榮幸之至.  4 V5 P4 Q! f% Z# W& V- {0 W
We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.  
* O: [( ]' J! E2 e2 t; \/ x* n欣悉貴公司賞識技術人員的服務.他日若有任何需要,亦請與本公司聯絡,本公司定當提供優秀技師,竭誠效勞.  
% z% B  t' d  i) n1 Y8 F. o1 z+ C/ MIf we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.  6 {  t( D4 w+ z$ C! `( S, C
8 l; v3 H0 W- Y1 h; S! RYours sincerely,  ! W' x. r8 Z# ~+ b
Grant Benson  / O% @- r" P2 I/ D  d- _1 C( E3 L' q; x
Chief Engineer  + {, @- M/ w8 ?

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:40 | 显示全部楼层


6 V8 K3 ^0 \# IUseful phrases實用短語  9 n7 i2 _0 `' |4 |
1.We greatly appreciate……欣喜不已.  0 r1 Y. A$ L0 o+ W* x' X
2.…a high level of customer satisfaction…  
/ P$ U/ \; y8 m: n0 f…來函嘉獎…  1 c' P" S3 A" Q/ z8 o( ^/ u9 ]
3.We are pleased that our staff assisted you so capably  
: w- W+ p# e- u, m7 _" J- d欣悉貴公司賞識技術人員的服務.  
' L% u9 l# ^6 o2 e  W4 `' M/ \4.If we can be of service to your again,please let us know.  
7 U4 J7 V- o  T4 _$ E2 |* ~他日若有任何需要,亦請與本公司聯絡.  % o5 G" c6 c( _1 ~, Y; ]
=================================  * @) J: k- N1 _/ L
* A7 R8 c6 q+ a! p: Z, ]; f2 \" v1.Identify the letter and offer thanks.  : P: l6 P  Z- E/ d5 @' D' o
確認來信,表示謝意  % R0 b- K5 T1 c4 Y2 V
2.Confirm the client’s opinion.  # i+ ^) D6 G% x8 h
認同客戶的贊賞.  & X- w* b% o/ D% E1 v7 J  F
3.Offer future service.  * g3 S/ _9 o# F% ?/ |1 j2 V+ b# V
提出今后的服務.  0 n9 W/ Y" R7 _2 h
4.End with a friendly message.  . R, I$ V& Y1 F; T  ?  o- E
& q5 v+ J4 R+ n( L======================================  + g1 j- d: k: ?* k! z0 X
Alternative phrases替代用語  
1 m7 S% p2 e/ g% A- ^7 _5 @% M% YWe greatly appreciate your letter describing the assistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.  8 w1 S* K& P, j& }9 X$ W
(Many thanks for…)  
  G/ r6 F) H0 o" x; r$ b' Q/ AWe are now in our fifth year of operation , and we receive many letters like yours indicating a high level of customer satisfaction with our installations.  
3 q( e( `2 p7 U9 H4 o$ D6 C7 C(We have now been operating for five years…)  
) q" j1 \! S7 s! PWe are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably. We would like you to know that if you need to contact us at any time in the future, our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for assistance.  
+ l4 x$ K5 C! R3 P# e6 L9 T(We are glad to hear that…)  % r# Y( V2 t. w4 V! R* E7 z
(…will be pleased to respond…)  
" ], w( D  t7 n8 X2 D! E  l; a4 iIf we can be of service to you again, please let us know. Thank you again for your very kind letter.  
; H" e. M2 `9 D( I2 K6 v/ k=========================================  
" `- p* p" f9 R8 p6 a& J7 h: lComments 評注:  4 d6 J  @1 }8 t* q+ c% k
This is a gracious response to a thank-you letter. The letter is intended to secure the loyalty of a satisfied customer.  2 b) R1 J+ Y6 Q' N
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