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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百一十五

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
outcome [ 5autkQm ] (n.) result结果
6 o2 ]6 S  U& }) f3 _" X+ H[例]  The outcome of an interview is of great importance to the candidate.
$ l  B' v! \$ y8 C, c[同义词]  consequencek, issue, upshot ' \- s/ d* Z* H. L
  , ?" u5 F- }( [& O2 ]
out-goings (n. pl) money which is paid out, expenditure 开支
5 M- h/ R. `# j1 J6 _; D; D) @[例]  What about the out-goings of our company last year?
8 G1 A* E2 C5 o0 e+ x: d; ^& O  " p0 x/ I( e/ z$ k8 M+ s. d5 f/ |
outlay [ 5autlei ] (n.) expenditure费用 # D" s+ F: X& Z7 S& V' |
[例]  The capital outlay exceeds our borrowing facility.
" P; o0 T" m5 O9 J& X" Q  
& g0 P1 G/ t7 A1 M2 {. Routlet [ 5autlet, -lit ] (n.) place where something can be sold销路 8 q7 a* O, ]8 a& a* R: F: {
[例]  a retail outlet
( k* v' u4 K& G% x[同义词]  market, mart, store
. ~* e$ F! w; c) g7 n  
0 W  G/ p' d3 D' boutput [ 5autput ] (n.) quantity that a person or machine produces产量 3 X5 @5 _' o/ [: Y
[例]  Incentive plans usually result in greater output per man hour.  2 Y0 W8 _/ R$ R
" X$ q0 b! t/ B. Uoutsource [`aJt9sR:s] (v.) to buy a product or have it made by an outside supplier rather than doing it oneself 外部采办,外购 $ C6 _! f+ M& x) e2 s+ M' i
[例]  They outsource the material through the supplier abroad.

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