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[综合辅导] 商务英语词汇精华版含例句解析一百二十六

发表于 2012-8-14 19:12:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
produce [ prE5dju:s ] (n.)farm products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables农产品  8 z$ n3 W# K; p8 @$ `! a6 Y6 h/ Q
[例]  Fresh produce exporting needs fast delivery. & A! h! f7 `3 u. w) V
  & S9 ~, K1 j4 K
product life cycle (n.) period of time from the introduction of a new product into the marketplace until its decline and withdrawal产品寿命周期 . e0 l5 Y4 [; @6 x  B$ L! k
  3 J: [; O0 A/ S4 ?. Y3 M! S8 m
product mix (n.) group of individual product types and the volumes produced that represent the total production volume一个企业出售的各类产品, 产品组合, 一种产品的不同型式 8 r4 S  ]' y2 u$ i! `; {% z# z! ]. B
[例]  Usually an individual has several product mixes in order to maximize his satisfaction.
/ v6 ]# h. _  R/ x  
7 _' _- H3 q  m) p) t; Fproduction cycle (n.) time needed to produce an item 生产周期
2 ?0 n( W# k3 T& L" p[例]  That product has a long production cycle. 8 B6 q0 t$ i, k/ w4 O% f
    O5 e) n+ w$ w/ O( D& T  U4 ]
productive [ prE5dQktiv ] (adj.) producing well or much多产的
+ ~: C  f$ K1 v- k0 i[例]  There is also a general feeling that employees whose health, safety and welfare are well looked after by the employer will be more productive.
# T7 X" K1 k# B9 N+ s[同义词]  fertile, rich, fruitful
# Q8 C- g( o+ W# [  " N' m2 G" M) U% b, k( v4 D: C9 ?
productivity [ 7prCdQk5tiviti ] (n.) output rate per worker or per machine生产力
7 v; l, A# l; ^4 b+ [, E[例]  Innovations have been and are being made to increase productivity. $ g7 h. I' d- ~! m+ Y
  ) c# z  p% ?. w8 W
profile [ 5prEufail ] (n.)1.characteristics of something简介 ) q! q( J9 v; p$ W. V* X1 p& D1 N
[例]  You can look through the profiles of the applicants in this book. . N4 q2 }" ?, Q1 m+ ?5 v6 g$ b" G
2.image形象 3 F: I( h2 ~+ Z$ U: L1 p1 J
[例]  Untill recently, Senator Cliton had maintained a fairly low profile in Washington but she is now being identified as the most likely opponent to the Republican challenger

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